the economic problem - Chapter 1

what is Euntrepreneurial characteristic?
They are skills that a successful entrepreneur possesses.
1 of 10
What is a Entrepreneurial motive?
entrepreneurial motivation refers to the forces or drive within an entrepreneur that affect the direction of the individual.
2 of 10
what is market oreintation?
a business oreintation focuses on product development as it aims at improving existing products to meet demands of customers.
3 of 10
what is a scarce resource?
Anything useful which is not available in unlimited quantities.
4 of 10
what is a economic problem?
the economic problem occurs when there are finite resources available to supply unlimited wants.
5 of 10
Name 3 renewable resources?
Wind, water and electricity.
6 of 10
name 3 unrenewablw resources?
Oil, coal and gas.
7 of 10
What are sustainable resources?
Sustainable resources are ones used for economic activities in a manner so they don't run out. e.g not over fishing.
8 of 10
What is n oppertunity cost?
An oppertunity cost is the benefit lost of the next best alternative when making a choice.
9 of 10
What is a trade off?
A trade off is when looking at a balance between two choices and choosing more of one and less of the other.
10 of 10

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Card 2


What is a Entrepreneurial motive?


entrepreneurial motivation refers to the forces or drive within an entrepreneur that affect the direction of the individual.

Card 3


what is market oreintation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is a scarce resource?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is a economic problem?


Preview of the front of card 5
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