Other questions in this quiz

2. what happens at plate boundaries?

  • at the plate boundaries there tends to be volcanoes and earthquakes occurring due to the movement of the plates
  • there are huge ravines where the plates have moves away from each other
  • there is no way of telling where the boundaries are
  • various natural disasters

3. explain how the atmosphere has changed to contain oxygen

  • oxygen was suddenly released from within the earth
  • life evolved to form single-celled organisms which started to photosynthesise
  • trees grew and produced oxygen
  • natural disasters eventually created oxygen

4. what causes the motion of the plates?

  • the plates move because of the rotation of the earth
  • the plates move because of huge forces caused by convection currents
  • the plates move because the ocean slowly pushes them
  • the plates move because are slowly breaking up

5. what are deep sea vents? (hydrothermal vents)

  • a hydrothermal vent is a fissure in planet's surface from which geothermally heated water issues. hydrothermal vents are commonly found near volcanically active places, areas where tectonic plates are moving apart, ocean basins and hotspots.
  • a place where only some animals can live
  • a deep gap in the sea floor
  • a heated gap in the sea filled with water


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