Other questions in this quiz

2. The stomach has gastric pits which produce 3 types of cell. What are they?

  • Parietal cells, chief cells and mucous cells
  • Salivary cells, parotid cells, sublingual cells
  • Mucous cells, glycerol cells and parietal cells
  • Chief cells, beta cells and mucous cells

3. Increased saliva during pregnancy is known as what?

  • Olfaction
  • Chyme
  • Ptyalism
  • Mastication

4. The Ileum has mucous lining which is folded. What is this called?

  • Blood Capillary Network
  • Villi
  • Lymphatic Vessel
  • Jejunum

5. Fat molecules are primarily broken down into what two components?

  • Unsaturated fats and Saturated fats
  • Fatty acids and Glycerol
  • Fatty acids and Triglyceride Fat
  • Glycerol and Triglyceride Fat


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