The Digestive System

  • Created by: ebw0258
  • Created on: 22-02-22 16:27
The Muscularis (muscle layer of the gut) contracts in waves to digest food. What is the scientific name for this movement?
1 of 18
Starches from Carbohydrates contain long chains of glucose molecules known as what?
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During digestion, starch turns into disaccharide sugars (known as maltose), which then turn into what?
Glucose Molecules
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Proteins are long chains of amino acids, during digestion these chains break into smaller chains known as polypeptides, they then break into even smaller chains known as what?
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Fat molecules are primarily broken down into what two components?
Fatty acids and Glycerol
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Food can be chewed into a bolus (pellet) to be sent down the oesophagus easily via what process?
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Saliva is made up of water, mucous and bicarbonate ions which have the enzyme amylase, which turns starch into what?
The Sugar Maltose
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Increased saliva during pregnancy is known as what?
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What is Chyme?
Food mixed with gastric secretions
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What is the name of the sphincter which releases chyme into the duoderium?
Plyoric Sphincter
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What is the duodenum?
First section of the small intestine
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Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It contains bile salt, but what does bile salt do?
Turns large fat globules into small fat globules
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What do bile pigments do?
Break down haemoglobin
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Gallstones are formed when biliary sludge solidifies and gets stuck in the bile duct, but what is the pain this causes called?
Biliary colic
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Among other things, pancreatic juice contains biocarbonate ions. But what do these do?
Neutralise the stomach acid
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The Ileum absorbs digested food which then produces what?
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The Ileum has mucous lining which is folded. What is this called?
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What is the colons main function?
Absorbs water from undigested material to create faeces
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Card 2


Starches from Carbohydrates contain long chains of glucose molecules known as what?



Card 3


During digestion, starch turns into disaccharide sugars (known as maltose), which then turn into what?


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Card 4


Proteins are long chains of amino acids, during digestion these chains break into smaller chains known as polypeptides, they then break into even smaller chains known as what?


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Card 5


Fat molecules are primarily broken down into what two components?


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