The Cosmological Argument

What is the key question asked in the Cosmological argument?
Why is there something rather than nothing?
1 of 9
Which philosopher offered his fives ways to prove the existence of God as the first three are forms of the cosmological argument?
St. Thomas Aquinas
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What are the first three ways that apply to the Cosmological argument?
1)Motion 2)Causation 3)Contingency
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What is the third way?
Contingency/Necessity-Everything is contingent so there must have been a time when nothing existed, this means nothing can come from nothing and we must have a necessary being. Every necessary being must have had a cause (inside or outside its self)
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What is a contingent being?
A contingent being is one that relies on something else for its existence
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What is a necessary being?
A necessary being is one that relies on nothing else for its existence
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What are the criticisms of the third way?
Why can't their be contingent beings going back to infinity? Causes can have more than one effect. There is no sense in how it proves the God of classical theism. It assumes that infinite regress is impossible.
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What were Humes criticisms of the cosmological argument?
"If the material world rests upon a similar ideal world, this ideal world must rest upon some other; and so on without out. It were better therefore never to look beyond the present material world."
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What does Humes criticism mean?
We must not look beyond this world to anything metaphysical, The answers are in this world, otherwise we will end up going back to infinity.
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Card 2


Which philosopher offered his fives ways to prove the existence of God as the first three are forms of the cosmological argument?


St. Thomas Aquinas

Card 3


What are the first three ways that apply to the Cosmological argument?


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Card 4


What is the third way?


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Card 5


What is a contingent being?


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