The cognitive interview

Why was it needed
There was a growing need to improve effectiveness of police interviews when questioning witnesses
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What does the CI encourage eye witnesses to do?
Recreate the original context of the crime to improve the accessibility of stored information. Because our memory is made up of a network of associations rather than discreet events- invented by geiselimen
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What is the aim of the CI
To make memories more accessible because people need appropriate emotional/contextual cues to retrieve memories.
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Describe 1st component of the CI?
Mental reinstatement of original context- encourages eye witness to mentally reconstruct the physical and psychological environment of the original incident. Examples include think back, what was weather like, how were you feeling, what objects were aroun
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people need appropiate emotional, env cues to recall information- mentally reinstating context helps w this
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Secound stage
Report everything even if it seems irrelvant, because memories often interconnected with each other so the recall of one bit of inrmation can trigger other bits of info to be recalled which may be important
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Third statge
Reverse the order of events, prevent dishonesty and distrupt the influence/effects of schemas to rearrnage way we remeber incident
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Final stage
Change perspective- to distrupt schemas on how events must have happened, this increases recall accuracy
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What did Fisher develop
Enhanced cogntive interview- focus on social interactions like when to establish eye contact, asking open ended questions, making parctioant feel relaxed and minimising dustractions
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Strength of cogntive interview
The cogntive interview has revolutonised standard police interviews for the better improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony- so that more justice is established and false accusations are avoided. Supported by meta analysis of over 50 studies from Ko
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Very time consuming- police may not use it as it takes to long, like getting them to feel relaxed and takes bare training to train police. So some police forces dont use it, and are not impressed by it- doesent have a widespread usage and cant be used in
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Final weakness
its hard to establsh effectiveness of contive intervew against standard polive interviews because its often the case that the full cogntive interview isnt used.Thames valley police only used mental reinstatement and report everything, not full thing.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the CI encourage eye witnesses to do?


Recreate the original context of the crime to improve the accessibility of stored information. Because our memory is made up of a network of associations rather than discreet events- invented by geiselimen

Card 3


What is the aim of the CI


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Card 4


Describe 1st component of the CI?


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Card 5




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