The Atom

  • Created by: hajrak.ou
  • Created on: 30-12-23 18:52
What is an atom ?
Smallest part of an element that can exist .
1 of 26
What is Daltons model of the atom ?
Atoms as solid spheres that could not be divided into smaller parts .
2 of 26
What is the plum pudding model of the atom ?
Sphere of positive charge with negative electrons embedded in it .
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What did scientists discover in the alpha scattering experiment .
Most alpha particles went through the gold foil but some deflected due to the alpha particles hitting the dense nucleus .
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Describe the nuclear model of the atom ?
Dense nucleus with electrons orbiting it .
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What did bohr discover ?
Electrons orbit in shells .
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What did chadwick discover ?
Uncharged particle called the neutron.
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Where are protons and neutrons?
In the nucleus.
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What is the relative mass of each sub-atomic particle ?
Proton - 1Da
Neutron - 1Da
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What is the relative charge of each sub-atomic particle.
Proton - +1
Neutron- 0
Electron - -1
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How can you find out the number of protons in a atom ?
The atomic number on the periodic table .
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How can you calculate the number of neutrons in an atom ?
Mass number - atomic number
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Why do atoms have no overall charge ?
Equal number of positive protons and negative electrons .
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What is an element ?
Substance made of one type of atom .
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What is a compound ?
Substance made of more than one type of atom chemically joined together.
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What is a mixture ?
Two or more substances not chemically combined .
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What are isotopes?
Atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons.
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What physical processes can be used to separate mixtures ?
Filtration,crystallisation,distillation, chromatography,fractional distillation
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What is the size of an atom radius ?
1x10 m
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What is the radius size of a nuclei ?
1x10 m
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What dose filtration do ?
Separate insoluble solids and a liquid .
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What dose crystallisation do ?
Separates soluble solids from a solution
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What dose distillation do ?
Separates solvent from a solution .
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What dose fractional distillation do ?
Separates two liquids with similar boiling points .
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What dose paper chromatography do ?
Identifies substances from a mixture in a solution.
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How do calculate Rf value ?
Distance moved by solute / distance moved by solvent
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Daltons model of the atom ?


Atoms as solid spheres that could not be divided into smaller parts .

Card 3


What is the plum pudding model of the atom ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did scientists discover in the alpha scattering experiment .


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the nuclear model of the atom ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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