Test Revision For Topic 3

What is the advantage of lossy compression?
You can decrease the file to a smaller size
1 of 22
The number of bits per pixel in an image is the...
Colour Depth
2 of 22
The most appropriate storage unit for a person's surname
3 of 22
In sound sampling, if you increase the sampling rate what happens to the file size?
It increases
4 of 22
What is RLE
Run length encoding
5 of 22
The most appropriate storage unit for a one-page text document (with no images) is...
6 of 22
All characters which are recognised / can be represented by the computer system are called...
Character Sets
7 of 22
Numbers are sometimes represented as Hexadecimal instead of Binary because...
They are easier to remember
8 of 22
The concentration of pixels in a picture is called its...
9 of 22
What is sample resolution?
The number of bits used to store each measure of the amplitude of a soundwave
10 of 22
What is sample rate?
The frequency with which you record the amplitude of a soundwave
11 of 22
Convert the denary (decimal) number 58 to binary
12 of 22
To increase the sound quality of a file, you must...
Increase the sample rate
13 of 22
What is NOT included in a bitmap file?
Number of people in it
14 of 22
Calculate the denary (decimal) value of the 8-bit binary number 1001 0111.
15 of 22
The most appropriate storage unit for a ten-minute movie clip (low definition) is...
16 of 22
Your computer has a hard disk of 2 Terrabytes. How much is this in Gigabytes?
17 of 22
Convert the hexadecimal number 6A to denary (decimal)
18 of 22
What happens when you try to add 1111 1111 to 0000 0001 and only have 8 bits of memory?
19 of 22
Convert the binary number 0011 1101 to hexadecimal
20 of 22
What is the advantage of lossless compression?
You can get all the data back out again
21 of 22
Between Unicode and ASCII, which has a larger character set? (One is 8-bit and one is 16-bit)
22 of 22

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The number of bits per pixel in an image is the...


Colour Depth

Card 3


The most appropriate storage unit for a person's surname


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In sound sampling, if you increase the sampling rate what happens to the file size?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is RLE


Preview of the front of card 5
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