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6. Therefore, intelligence leaves behind a trademark 'specified complexity' - it is this trademark which is evident in biological organisms.

  • True
  • False

7. For Swinburne, the observability and availability of knowledge show what?

  • God exists and cares for us by allowing us autonomy in morality, technological development and educational progression
  • Sheldon Cooper is totes correct about the string theory implications of gamma rays from dark matter annihilations
  • God formed the world to provide a vale of soul-making
  • God forgot to lock His filling cabinet of all the knowledge in the universe
  • Scientists need to work less and actually get a life

8. Which of the following phrases is NOT part of Swinburne's design argument?

  • God's creation was selfish due to the suffering we struggle through
  • God has reason to make an orderly universe that human beings could learn from
  • Personally, he feels the simplest answer to all theological questions is God
  • Swinburne holds Paley's and Tennant's arguments to some esteem
  • God would have a reason to create a universe with finite creatures who have the chance to grow to knowledge of God

9. Which two thinkers argue that the evidence of evolution is compatible with the existence of a cosmic intelligence who created with the definite goal of achieving creatures with rational consciousness?

  • Kayne West and Chris Brown
  • Jackie O. and Elaine from Seinfeld
  • Fred Hoyle and Keith Ward
  • Ian Barbour and Tennant
  • Aquinas and Anselm

10. Polkinghorne argues those biologists who assert that we are nothing more than genetic survival machines suffer from an intellectual inebriation. Ooh snap!

  • True
  • False

11. Fred Hoyle argues that the interpretation that the number of happy accidents allowing life's existence DOES NOT necessitate some explanation to account for them.

  • False
  • True

12. Tenant's anthropic principle refers to what?

  • The supreme arrogance most of these theologians seem to suffer from
  • That by our vary nature humanity longs to find pattern and order in the world but an inexperienced reasoner would be no reasoner at all
  • The likelihood of you procrastinating on Facebook half-way through this quiz
  • The way the universe seems to be structured so that it was inevitable life would develop
  • The level of spite you possess for your philosophy teacher right now

13. Which of the following statements is not a cornerstone of the Anthropic principle?

  • Physicist Paul Davies noted that if the relative strengths of nuclear and electromagnetic forces were slightly different there would be no carbon and hence no life
  • Because of the laws of the universe, life is the way it is
  • Rogar Penrose (The Emperors New Mind) noted there was a 1/1.23x10^12 chance the universe would be fine tuned for the existence of life
  • Physicist Rajesh Koothrappalis discovery of a planetary object beyond the Kuiper belt, 2008 NQ17
  • We are here against all odds - proves the existence of a God who fine-tuned the universe deliberately so that we could exist

14. The strong anthropic principle holds it is necessary for the universe to have these special properties and coincidences to allow human existence. Therefore, the universe was constructed so it was inevitable human life should come about.

  • True
  • False

15. As we are here, the universe has properties which allow us to exist. This enables further prediction over the nature of our position but provides no answers to why we are here or if we have a purpose. This is...

  • Tennants weak anthropic principle
  • Platos theory of duality
  • A lyric from an Arctic Monkeys
  • Leibnizs principle of sufficient reason
  • Aristotles theory of causality

16. The participatory anthropic principle holds that the universe would not exist unless...

  • Bush invades
  • There was matter
  • There were observers to it
  • There was a divine cosmic intervention
  • There was God

17. Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the anthropic principle?

  • Everything is unlikely - not just the universe
  • Tennant implies God to be almost worshipful of humanity - this insults His position!
  • In the case of parallel, infinite universes, the ideal environment was bound to occur
  • It is like totes big-headed and self-centred and anthropocentric to assume the universe was designed for us like a playground
  • The weak principle simply states the obvious

18. Tennant also argued for the existence of an intelligent God based on the world''s beauty. His argument did not include which postulate or did not result in which critcism:

  • I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee
  • Beauty is not neccessary for survival and cannot be explained away by Darwinism
  • There is no scientific explanation for beauty and has no utilitarian function - this points to God
  • Given by God, beauty is for our own enjoyment
  • However, this argument holds the subjective view beauty does exist - this is questionable