Techtonic Landscapes and Hazards

Features of a Stratovolcano
Shape - Steep Sides, Cone Shaped, Caldera. Hazard - Explosive, Pyroclastic Flows, Ash Clouds, Lava Bombs. Location - Destructive Plate Margin, Subduction of Oceanic on Continental Crust.
1 of 5
Social Impacts of Earthquakes
People may suffer PTSD, putting pressure on healthcare. People can Die. People can be left Homeless. Breakdown on communities, and many will be separated and forced to move.
2 of 5
Earthquake Impacts on Low Income Countries
Lack Capital (Money) to buy technologies to predict disasters, so they can provide no warnings. Poorly Built Housing, so buildings collapse easier, cannot afford seismic designs. Less Education to teach people how to protect themselves.
3 of 5
What is the scale that earthquakes are record on?
The Richter Scale
4 of 5
How does the Richter scale work?
Every time you go up by 1, the earthquake is felt 10x (10 times) more
5 of 5

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Card 2


People may suffer PTSD, putting pressure on healthcare. People can Die. People can be left Homeless. Breakdown on communities, and many will be separated and forced to move.


Social Impacts of Earthquakes

Card 3


Lack Capital (Money) to buy technologies to predict disasters, so they can provide no warnings. Poorly Built Housing, so buildings collapse easier, cannot afford seismic designs. Less Education to teach people how to protect themselves.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The Richter Scale


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Every time you go up by 1, the earthquake is felt 10x (10 times) more


Preview of the back of card 5


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