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6. In a study where a reward was either what was expected or more/less than expected, what was found?

  • When reward was more than expected, there was more DP activation and vice versa in the ventral tegmental area
  • When reward was more than expected, there was less DP activation and vice versa in the pFC
  • When reward was more than expected, there was less DP activation and vice versa in the ventral tegmental area
  • When reward was more than expected, there was more DP activation and vice versa in the pFC

7. Which areas seem to be implicated in larger-later rewards?

  • DLpFC, LOBFC, VStr
  • Posterior cingulate (PCC), mPFC, VStr
  • Putamen, mPFC, VStr

8. What is temporal discounting?

  • The tendency for people to discount rewards as they approach a temporal horizon in the future or the past (i.e., become so distant in time that they cease to be valuable)
  • The tendency for people to discount rewards that occur closely on the temporal horizon i.e available closer to 'now' as they will have higher cumulative effects in the future

9. What is expected utility?

  • The psychological as opposed to economic value assigned to an outcome (e.g happiness with getting 50,000 or 100,000)
  • The probability of the outcome x associated reward (e.g 100% chance of getting 50 - 1/1 x 50 = £50)

10. What is the decoy effect?

  • Presentation of another option that is inferior in all respects has shown to influence preference
  • Preference for current state of affairs

11. Dopamine neurons in which 4 areas are linked to rewards?

  • Ventromedial pFC, Nucleus accumbens, Dorsal-tegmental area, substantianigra
  • Ventromedial pFC, Nucleus accumbens, Ventral-tegmental area, substantianigra
  • pFC, Nucleus accumbens, Ventral-tegmental area, substantianigra
  • pFC, Nucleus accumbens, Dorsal-tegmental area, substantianigra

12. What did Sanfey (2003) find in their ultimatum game study?

  • Unfairness generated activation in the anterior insula
  • Unfairness decreased striatal activation
  • Unfairness decreased activation in the anterior insula
  • Unfairness increased striatal activation

13. What is a problem with heuristics?

  • Can be changed by mental imagery
  • The make humans into cold logic machines
  • Although helpful, they are error prone and susceptible to biases
  • They mean that humans do not use deductive reasoning as much as possible

14. What is probability weighting?

  • The tendency for people to strongly prefer avoiding loss than acquiring gains
  • The tendency for people to underestimate the chances of high probability events (a coin toss) and overestimate low probability events (the lottery)
  • The tendency for people to strongly acquiring gains than avoiding loss
  • The tendency for compulsive gambling to start after a traumatic loss type event

15. What is meant by an unconditioned reinforcer?

  • Water
  • A stimuli that acquires its power via history of association with primary and or other secondary reinforcers
  • A stimulus that is reinforcing or rewarding even without previous training
  • Food

16. What is meant by expected value?

  • The probability of the outcome x associated reward (e.g 100% chance of getting 50 - 1/1 x 50 = £50)
  • The psychological as opposed to economic value assigned to an outcome (e.g happiness with getting 50,000 or 100,000)

17. Which areas seem to be the most activated in the presence of social rewards?

  • The striatum, which includes the caudate nucleus, the putamen and the nucleus accumbens
  • The caudate nucleus, putamen and mPFC
  • The caudate nucleus, putamen and striatum
  • The striatum, which includes the caudate nucleus, the putamen and the nucleus accumbens and the mPFC

18. What is negative reinforcement?

  • Removal of an adverse outcome following a reaction
  • A delivery of an adverse outcome following a reaction
  • Being rewarded explicitly after avoiding a stimulus
  • Being rewarded implicitly after avoiding a stimulus

19. Which of these is NOT a primary reinforcer?

  • Water
  • ***
  • Money
  • Food

20. What is loss aversion?

  • The tendency for compulsive gambling to start after a traumatic loss type event
  • The tendency for people to strongly prefer avoiding loss than acquiring gains
  • The tendency for people to strongly acquiring gains than avoiding loss
  • Perceiving probability in a highly subjective manner, overestimating the chances of low probability events, and underestimating high ones