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6. How are virus/infections linked to rates of SZ?

  • Some may interfere with neural adhesiveness needed for smooth migration during 2nd trimester
  • Some may interfere with neural plasticity in second trimester leading to structural deficits
  • SZ is caught in the same way to the flu virus, SZ births increased follwing the flu epidemic

7. In criterion A, which one of these options would be classed as SZ

  • Hallucinations and negative symptoms (e.g avolition)
  • Delusions, grossly disorganised/catatonic behaviour and negative symptoms (e.g avolition)
  • Delusions, hallucinations and Disorganised speech
  • Grossly disorganised/catatonic behaviour and disorganised speech

8. What did a meta-analysis of 13 studies by Kempton et al (2010) show?

  • Lateral ventricular enlargment is correlated with severity of SZ extremely early in life
  • Ventricular dilation begins very early in SZ afflicted brains, before or shortly after birth
  • Ventricular dilation was not significantly associated with later onset of SZ
  • Ventricular dilation begins very late in SZ afflicted brains compared to controls around 2 yrs of age

9. What is a delusion of grandeur?

  • A fixed belief that one has complete power over other people, can be conflated with narcissistic personality disorder
  • A belief that people can and are placing thoughts and uncomfortable auditory hallucinations into the brain. Otherwise called thought broadcasting
  • A belief that one has special powers, or is a famous/otherwordly figure (e.g Napoleon or God)
  • The intense somatic sensation that there are for instance bugs crawling under the skin.

10. Which 2 groups in Seidman et al's (2002) study had the lowest left hippocampal volume?

  • SZ pps and their non-psychotic relatives
  • SZ pps and control groups
  • Control groups and non-psychotic relatives of the SZ pps
  • The two biological parents of the SZ pps and their non-psychotic relatives

11. What did Bracha et al (1992) find in their twin study?

  • Neural + skin cell migration responsible for fingerprint development in first trimester, SZ twins very different from non-SZ twins
  • Neural + skin cell migration responsible for fingerprint development in third trimester, SZ twins very different from non-SZ twins
  • Neural + skin cell migration responsible for fingerprint development in second trimester, SZ twins very different from non-SZ twins
  • Neural + skin cell migration responsible for fingerprint development in fourth trimester, SZ twins very different from non-SZ twins

12. What was found in a study focusing on the lateral ventricles in two identical twins?

  • SZ has a genetic basis
  • The abled twin had smaller lateral ventricles than the SZ twin
  • The SZ twin and abled twin had equally sized ventricles, SZ does not have a clinical genetic basis
  • The abled twin had larger lateral ventricles than the SZ twin

13. Which side of temporal horn were enlargements predominantly found?

  • Left
  • Neither dies, all of the horn was enlarged
  • Right
  • Both

14. How do retroviruses work in the body?

  • Another term for multplie-sclerosis
  • They intergrate with chromosomes to replicate and insert selves into the germline. Arpund 42% of human DNA. Usually lie dormant until activation upon which begin replication again
  • A neural deficit, caused by adverse conditions during pregnancy e.g the mother catching the flu virus
  • Occur in primates, attack the lymph glands and 'pose' as normal cells. Begin replicating under averse life conditions eg.g stress and affect structures in the brain

15. Where was grey matter lost consistency in adolescents (even at age 13yrs) with SZ?

  • Frontal lobes
  • Parietal, temporal and frontal lobes
  • Temporal lobes
  • Parietal lobes

16. Which century was there an 'explosion' of accounts according to Torrey (1988, 2001)?

  • 18th Century
  • 20th Century
  • 17 Century
  • 16th Century

17. What did research by Barta et al (1990) find about the Temporal lobe?

  • Enlargements in the left temporal lobe caused more hallucinations in SZ pps
  • There was an inverse relationship between the size of the left superior temporal gyrus and the severity of hallucinations in SZ pps.
  • There was a positive correlation between the size of the left superior temporal gyrus and the severity of hallucinations in SZ pps.
  • Enlargements in the areas surrounding the left temporal lobe caused more hallucinations in SZ pps

18. Which area of cells is thought to be disorganised in SZ brains?

  • Entorhinal cortex
  • Somatosensory cortex
  • Endohinal cortex
  • Prefrontal cortex

19. In which brain area are enlargements thought to be associated with SZ?

  • Amygdala
  • Hippocampus
  • Temporal lobe
  • Limbic system

20. What did McGlashan (2006) say about the prevalence of SZ?

  • SZ is less severe than it used to be, inverse relationship between phenotypic severity and reproductive capacity.
  • SZ is more severe than it used to be, a positive linear relationship between phenotypic severity and reproductive capacity.
  • Rates of SZ have stayed consistently the same over the years
  • People with SZ are experiencing less severe/intense symptoms such as catatonia, the condition has changed over time.