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6. What do Fundamentalists say about the Bible as the word of God?

  • Believe the Bible to be interpreted by God and without error
  • Believe the Bible needs to be interpreted in the modern age as it was written by humans so can contain errors and therefore should not be taken literally in all circumstances

7. What do Fundamentalists say about the creation story?

  • They would take the creation story literally and as it is presented because it was directly inspired by God, without error
  • They wouldn't take the creation story literally and understand it needs to be open to modern interpretation. They would potentially believe the 'Big Bang' created the Earth but it was God who triggered the 'Big Bang'.

8. What do Liberals believe?

  • That as the world changes the Church needs to adapt its teachings accordingly based on core principles. They would say that the Bible reveals aspects of God that we must apply to our own situation
  • That people become Christians through conversion and making a public commitment about their faith. The Bible is the word of God, containing answers to everyday problems

9. What do Liberals say about the Bible as the word of God?

  • Believe the Bible needs to be interpreted in the modern age as it was written by humans so can contain errors and therefore should not be taken literally in all circumstances
  • Believe the Bible to be interpreted by God and without error

10. What do Liberals say about the creation story?

  • They wouldn't take the creation story literally and understand it needs to be open to modern interpretation. They would potentially believe the 'Big Bang' created the Earth but it was God who triggered the 'Big Bang'.
  • They would take the creation story literally and as it is presented because it was directly inspired by God, without error

11. Which part of the Old Testament contains the first five books which show how the Jews became the people of God and gives guidance for how God wanted the Jews to live?

  • Law
  • Prophet
  • History
  • Writings

12. Which part of the New Testament contains Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and the recordings of the actions and teachings of Jesus?

  • Letters
  • Revelation
  • Gospels
  • Acts of the Apostles

13. Which part of the New Testament contains some of the events in the Early Church?

  • Revelations
  • Gospels
  • Acts of the Apostles
  • Letters

14. What do Evangelicals believe?

  • That people become Christians through conversion and making a public commitment about their faith. The Bible is the word of God, containing answers to everyday problems
  • That as the world changes the Church needs to adapt its teachings accordingly based on core principles. They would say that the Bible reveals aspects of God that we must apply to our own situation

15. Which part of the Old Testament contains how God guided his people and how the people often refused to listen?

  • Law
  • History
  • Writings
  • Prophets

16. Which part of the New Testament was written by John and features his own mystical visions, which some Christians believe and describe as the end of the world?

  • Acts of the Apostles
  • Revelation
  • Letters
  • Gospels

17. Which part of the Old Testament contains the words of inspired figures who were sent by God to teach people about how God is active in the world and to challenge people to stay faithful to God?

  • Law
  • History
  • Prophets
  • Writings