Super Fun Bonus Quiz Lesson 1

How would you describe an atom, scientifically?
A single unit of a single element
1 of 10
What is a molecule?
Two or more atoms joined together which can be different
2 of 10
Give me a fact about Hydrochloric Acid
It contains hydrogen
3 of 10
I have 16 party guests and 4 pizzas. What is the simplest ratio of pizza to person?
4 of 10
How would you scientifically describe a compound?
A compound contains atoms which are chemically joined together by strong forces called bonds.
5 of 10
How would you describe a mixture?
Several different things together in a pot, not bonded at the molecular level
6 of 10
If an element is in group one of the periodic, what could this tell you about its structure?
It has one electron on its outermost shell
7 of 10
What is the point of respiration?
Converting the food we eat into energy, to stay alive
8 of 10
In a single glucose molecule, what are the basic elemental constituents?
9 of 10
Why wouldn't a process like distillation or separation break down the iron sulphide compound back into its original form?
Because they only separate out a mixture, rather than chemically break it down
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a molecule?


Two or more atoms joined together which can be different

Card 3


Give me a fact about Hydrochloric Acid


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


I have 16 party guests and 4 pizzas. What is the simplest ratio of pizza to person?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How would you scientifically describe a compound?


Preview of the front of card 5
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