Studies in Detail

What did Pickel want to investigate?
Whether weapon focus affected the ability to recall information
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How many people did Pickel use in both experiments? Where did he aquire them from?
In experiment 1, 230 people who were psychology undergraduates. The second experiment had 256 participants
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What objects were used in experiment 1? where did this scenario take place?
Hair Salon - Scissors, Handgun, Wallet, Raw Chicken, Empty (control measure)
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What objects were used in experiment two? Where did this scenario take place?
Electrical repair shop - Large screwdriver, butchers knife, sunglasses, pillsbury doughboy figure, empty (control measure)
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What were the results from experiment 1?
The handgun and the chicken produced the worst recall of information. High unusualness and High threat resulted in low recall
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What were the results from experiment 2?
Replicated the findings from experiment 1, the pillbury doughboy and butchers knife are unusual in a repair shop and produced the lowest level of recall
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Loftus and Palmer aimed to do what?
Investigate the effects of leading questions - whether it would influence the estimates of a vehicle's speed
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Experiment 1 had how many participants?
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How many clips did they show participants
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What was the verb "hit" changed to?
Smashed, Bumped, Contacted or Collided
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What were the results?
Difference of 9mph in estimated of speed was found between "smashed" and "contacted"
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Experiment 2 had how many participants?
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The participants were then split into groups of what?
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What are the three critical questions that a group was asked?
How fast were the cars going when the smashed into eachother. About how fast were the cars going when they hit eachother. No critical question about speed of the cars was asked (control)
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After one week, the participants were given another questionnaire to complete. What was the main question on this?
Did you see any broken glass?
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What were the results?
In all conditions the participants answered accurately that there was no broken glass in the film. More of the participants in the "smashed condition" answered that there was no broken glass than those in the "hit" condition.
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What did Loftus and Palmer conclude/
Leading questions do have an impact on a witnesses recall
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What did Charlton aim?
To investigate the effects of television on childrens behaviour
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What experimental design was used?
Cross-sectional design
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How old were the children that were studied?
3 to 8 years old
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What method was used?
Observation - video cameras set up
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What were the results?
Two showed decreases in anti-social behaviour amongst boys. Five showed increases in pro-social behaviour in both boys and girls. Two showed decreases in pro-social behaviour
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What did Charlton conclude?
Introduction of television had no negative effect on children's behaviour - infact quiet the reverse
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What did Bowlby aim to do in his experiment? (44 thieves)
To provide evidence for the maternal deprivation hypothesis.
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Where did Bowlby get his sample from?
Tavistock Clinic
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What experimental design was used?
Retrospective Study
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How many people were used?
44 thieves and they were matched to 44 emotionally disturbed youngsters who had not committed crime
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What procedures were used?
Interviews, IQ tests, Assessments, Psychotherapy
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How many thieves were affectionless psychopaths?
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How many of the control group were affectionless psychopaths?
None of them
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Of the 14 affectionless psychopaths how many had experienced early seperation?
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What did Bowlby conclude?
Maternal deprivation can have severe effects on children.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many people did Pickel use in both experiments? Where did he aquire them from?


In experiment 1, 230 people who were psychology undergraduates. The second experiment had 256 participants

Card 3


What objects were used in experiment 1? where did this scenario take place?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What objects were used in experiment two? Where did this scenario take place?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were the results from experiment 1?


Preview of the front of card 5
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