Other questions in this quiz

2. Which groups can react together to form ionic compounds?

  • Group 2 + Group 6 and Group 1 + Group 8
  • Group 1 + Group 8 and Group 5 + Group 6
  • Group 1 + Group 7 and Group 2 + Group 6
  • Group 2 + Group 5 and Group 4 + Group 7

3. What does the formula of an ionic compound represent?

  • The compounds present
  • The charge of each ion
  • The ratio of ions present
  • The type of bonding that has occured

4. The charges on the ions in an ionic compounds always...

  • Cancel each other out
  • Form a neutral charge overall
  • Form a positive charge overall
  • Form a negative charge overall

5. How are the atoms in a metal arranged?

  • Spread out with regular layers
  • Closely packed together with irregular layers
  • Closely packed together with regular layers
  • Spread out with irregular layers


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