Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of the following is an Extrinsic Aid to Statutory Interpretation?

  • Objective and Purposes Section
  • Previous Acts
  • Punctuation
  • Interpretation definition section

3. In Muir v Keay (1975) (A case that supports 'Noscitur a sociis'), what was the principle?

  • You cannot consent to harm
  • Therefore, using Noscitur a sociis, rates could not be charged on any mine other than coal mines
  • Applying Noscitur a sociis, it was held that because of the other words, 'resort and refreshment' in the section, that 'entertainment' did not refer exclusively to theatrical entertainment, music and dancing
  • Applying Noscitur a sociis, the court decided the general words, 'other place' had to refer to indoor places since all the words on the list were indoor places so the defendant was not guilty

4. Which case produced components that are considered in the Mischief Rule?

  • Heydon's Case (1584)
  • Smith v Hughes (1960)
  • Whiteley v Chappell (1868)
  • Fisher v Bell (1961)

5. Expressio unius exclusion alterius refers to what?

  • A word must be interpreted in the context of the Act as a hole. Therefore, in order to decide on meaning of the word, other accompanying words and sections must be considered
  • Where a list of words is not followed by general words, the Act applies only to the items in the list
  • When a list of words are followed by general words, then the general words are interpreted to be the same kinds of words as the specific words e.g. dogs, cats, and other animals
  • A word is known by the company it keeps


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