Statutory Interpretation Quiz

What is a case used to support the Literal Rule involving voting?
Whiteley v Chappell (1868)
1 of 7
What approach to the Golden Rule is where a word or phrase has more than one meaning, so the judges select the meaning that avoids absurdity?
2 of 7
Which case produced components that are considered in the Mischief Rule?
Heydon's Case (1584)
3 of 7
What rule of language translates to 'of the same kind'?
Ejusdem Generis
4 of 7
What case used to support Ejusdem Generis involves betting?
Powell v Kempton Park Racecourse
5 of 7
Expressio unius exclusion alterius refers to what?
Where a list of words is not followed by general words, the Act applies only to the items in the list
6 of 7
In Muir v Keay (1975) (A case that supports 'Noscitur a sociis'), what was the principle?
Applying Noscitur a sociis, it was held that because of the other words, 'resort and refreshment' in the section, that 'entertainment' did not refer exclusively to theatrical entertainment, music and dancing
7 of 7

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Card 2


What approach to the Golden Rule is where a word or phrase has more than one meaning, so the judges select the meaning that avoids absurdity?



Card 3


Which case produced components that are considered in the Mischief Rule?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What rule of language translates to 'of the same kind'?


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Card 5


What case used to support Ejusdem Generis involves betting?


Preview of the front of card 5
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