Special measure: Video-recorded cross-examination

What is the current status of s.28?
Implemented in pilot areas, due to be rolled out (but statement made without full governmental clearance)
1 of 9
What did Ministry of Justice say about the pilot study?
Some thought it was kinder to vulnerable Ws, others thought it was inhibiting
2 of 9
What did Plotnikoff + Woolfson say is required for a national roll-out of s.28?
Pre-trial investment + effective training
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How did Plotnikoff + Woolfson say that implementation of s.28 be improved (3 ways)?
Ensure Ws know all options on how to give evidence, use remote sites to avoid witness-D encounters, avoid requiring Ws to give evidence again if there is an appeal
4 of 9
What are the pros of s.28? (x6)
Less stressful for Ws, reduces delay between alleged crime + cross-examination, shorter trial, evidence is "bottled" (in case future things happen e.g. illness strikes), video can be edited to remove inadmissible parts, easier for judge to intervene
5 of 9
Why is it easier for a judge to intervene when it comes to s.28? But why might this not be so relevant here?
Because in a usual trial jury must be sent out (hassle). But questions are agreed beforehand so less likely
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What do Plotnikoff + Woolfson say are the 2 pros of s.28?
Provide Ws with finality + Ws aren't required to attend each trial where there are multiple Ds
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What are the cons of s.28? (x5)
Makes inroads into principle of orality, new expensive equipment required, technological difficulties, enhances communication (negative for guilty Ds), can only occur once D gets full disclosure (so may be delays of recording)
8 of 9
What are 2 more cons of s.28?
Allows P to build case against D (but even when s.28 isn't used, there must be a defence statement + full list of witnesses), D will give quite a lot of defence away pre-trial
9 of 9

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Card 2


What did Ministry of Justice say about the pilot study?


Some thought it was kinder to vulnerable Ws, others thought it was inhibiting

Card 3


What did Plotnikoff + Woolfson say is required for a national roll-out of s.28?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did Plotnikoff + Woolfson say that implementation of s.28 be improved (3 ways)?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the pros of s.28? (x6)


Preview of the front of card 5
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