
what is a satellite?
anything that orbits a planet
1 of 14
what are the 2 types of satellite?
2 of 14
what is the order of the planets in our solar system?
3 of 14
what is a commit?
frozen ice, rocks and dust that moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit
4 of 14
what is a meteor?
small bits of rock that burn up when they enter the earths atmosphere
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what is an asteroid?
rocky object bigger than meteors but smaller than planets that orbit the sun in a circular orbit (asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter)
6 of 14
what is the first stage in the life cycle of a star?
nebula- cloud of dust and gas pulled together by gravity
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what happens as gravity pulls in more dust and gas?
it becomes a protostar and becomes more dense
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what is the third stage in the life cycle of a star?
more dense=more collisions and nuclear fusion begins (hydrogen turns to helium)
this releases energy increasing the temp, making it a main sequence star
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our sun is currently a main sequence star, what does this mean?
the outward pressure of the energy release form nuclear fusion is balanced with the inward pressure of gravity causing a long stable period
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what happens when a main sequence star runs out of hydrogen?
-nuclear fusion can no longer take place
-gravity takes over, condensing it into a small ball
-until it is so hot and dense that nuclear fusion can start again
-it will expand again but this time ti will produce heavier elements (up to iron)
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what 2 things can be formed next depending on the initial size of the star?
small/medium- red giant
large- red super giant
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what are the final stages of a red giants life cycle?
-becomes unstable and expels its outer layer
-leaving a hot, dense, solid core. white dwarf
-white dwarf gets cooler and darker
-stops emitting light and becomes a black dwarf
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what are the final stages of a super red giants life cycle?
-more nuclear fusion/ burn brighter
-several cycles of expansion and contraction
-explodes into a supernova which forms elements heavier than iron and ejects them across the universe
-this then either forms a neutron star (dense core) if it was very big
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the 2 types of satellite?



Card 3


what is the order of the planets in our solar system?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is a commit?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is a meteor?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Great questions about the space. Thanks for sharing geometry dash lite. This is really useful for me.

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