Solids, Liquids and Gases

  • Created by: Ann_k5
  • Created on: 13-05-21 18:30
In which two states are the particles randomly arranged?
Liquid and gas
1 of 15
In which state are the particles only able to vibrate in a fixed position?
2 of 15
Which state can be compressed or squashed easily?
3 of 15
Which state cannot flow from place to place?
4 of 15
Particles in which state have no bonds?
5 of 15
Particles in which state sit in a regular pattern and are held together tightly by bonds?
6 of 15
At room temperature, what state is mercury in?
7 of 15
What happens to the pressure of a gas when it is heated at constant volume?
When the temperature of a gas is increased, its pressure increases. Its pressure would not change only if it was allowed to expand freely.
8 of 15
When 100 grams of water is boiled, what mass of steam is made?
100 grams of steam would be produced because of the conservation of mass. No mass would be lost because all the molecules of water are still there.
9 of 15
What is a solid?
In the solid state the vibrating particles form a regular pattern. This explains the fixed shape of a solid and why it can’t be compressed or poured.
10 of 15
What is a liquid?
In a liquid the particles still touch their neighbours but they move around, sliding over each other. This is why you can pour, but not compress, a liquid.
11 of 15
What is a gas?
In the gas state, widely-spaced particles move around randomly. This explains why you can compress gases and why they flow.
12 of 15
What is a change of state?
Substances can change state, usually when they are heated or cooled.
13 of 15
What are the 2 types of change in state that Gain energy?
Melting and Evapourating or Boiling
14 of 15
What are the 2 types of change in state that Lose energy?
Condensing and Freezing
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


In which state are the particles only able to vibrate in a fixed position?



Card 3


Which state can be compressed or squashed easily?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which state cannot flow from place to place?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Particles in which state have no bonds?


Preview of the front of card 5
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