Sociology 01 - Couples

  • Created by: Megan
  • Created on: 29-03-13 15:31
What is domestic devision of labour?
Roles that men and women play in relation to housework, childcare and paid work.
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What did Talcott Parsons (1955), a functionalist's theory believe? (instrumental and expressive)
That men had an instrumental role which geared towards breadwinning. Whereas, a women has an expressive role, geared towards housemaker.
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Who critisied Parsons beliefs?
Michael Young and Peter Willmott (1962) who argue men take greater share in domestic tasks.
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What are Segregated Conjugal Roles?
Where couples have seperate roles - males is breadwinner and female is homemaker/carer.
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What are Joint Conjugal Roles?
Couples share tasks such as housework, childcare and spend leisure time together.
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Who created the theory of a Symmetrical Family?
Young and Willmott (1973)
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What is a Symmetrical Family (march of progress)?
One in which roles of husbands and wives are more similar.
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What is Young and Willmott (1973) find?
That symmetrical families are more common in younger couples who are geographically and socially isolated.
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Why are there more Symmetrical Families?
Changes in womens position, geophrafical mobility, new technology and higher standards of living.
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What's the feminist view of housework?
They argue that men and women remain unequal in the family and women still do most of the housework.
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What did Ann Oakley (1974) find?
She disagrees with Young and Willmott as she found that only 15% of husbands had high level of housework and only 25% had high levels of childcare.
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What does Ann Oakley believe bout rise of housework role?
Housewife role has increased for married women.
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What did Gershuny (1994) find about wives who worked full-time?
Wives who work do less domestic work - wives who did not work did 83% of housework but those who worked part-time still did 82%. However those who worked full time did 73%.
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What other approach emphasised economic factors?
Hilary Silver (1987) and Juliet Schor (1993)
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What does it mean by 'Housework has become Commercialised'?
It means goods and sevices that housewives previously had to produce themselves are now mass-produced and supplied by supermarkets. For example, ready meals etc reduce the amount of domestic labour.
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Why has the burden of housework decreased?
Because women can work so can buy these products and services decreasing the amount of housework.
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What is the 'dual burden'?
This is where women have acquired the dual burden of both paid work and unpaid houseowkr. - family remails patriachal.
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What did Elsa Ferri and Kate Smith (1996) find about the dual burden?
They found that increased employment for women outside the home has little impact on domestic division of labour.
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What is 'emotion work'?
Describes work whose main feature deals will one's own and other peoples emotions - described as labour of love.
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What did Arlie Hochschild (1983) say about emotion work?
Described it as airline strewardess. Where women are more likely than men to perform jobs involving emotional labour.
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What is a gender script?
Expectations and norms that set out the different gender roles men and women in heterosexual couples are expected to play.
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What does Michelle Barrett and Mary Mclntosh (1991) say?
Men gain more from women's domestic work than they give back financially.
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What is pooling?
where both partners have access to income and joint responsibility for expenditure.
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What is an allowence system?
Where men give their wives an allowence of which they have to budget to meet family's needs.
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Who did Stephen Edgell say made the very important decisions involinving high finance?
The men alone or taken jointly but men have the final say.
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What does the Women's Aid Federation define domestic violence as?
Physical, psychological, sexual or financial violence that takes place within an intimate or family-type relationship.
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What did Kathryn Coleman et al say about domestic violence?
She found that women were more likely to have experiened violence than men and that it doesn't occur randomly it normally stems from social patterns.
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Why do official statistics understate the true extent of domestic violence?
Victims are unwilling to report it to the police and police/proseecutors may be reluctant to record, prosecute or investigate cases.
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What do Millett and Firestone argue?
That all societies have been founded on patriachy.
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What is the radical feminist explanation of patriachy?
That men are the enemy: they are oppressors and exploiters of women. They see the family and marriage as the key institutions in the patriachal society and main source of womens oppression.
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What is Wilkonson (1996)'s explanation of patterns in inequality, stress and violence?
Domestic violence is a result of stress on family members due to social inequality.
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What is inequality?
Where some families have fewer resources than others such as income and housing.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did Talcott Parsons (1955), a functionalist's theory believe? (instrumental and expressive)


That men had an instrumental role which geared towards breadwinning. Whereas, a women has an expressive role, geared towards housemaker.

Card 3


Who critisied Parsons beliefs?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are Segregated Conjugal Roles?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are Joint Conjugal Roles?


Preview of the front of card 5
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