Socio Cultural - Physical Activity

  • Created by: AHeath
  • Created on: 27-08-13 09:18
Anything that gets the body moving and the heart pumping harder than at rest.
Physical Activity
1 of 17
Planned or structured physical activity requiring physical effort, aimed at improving health and fitness.
Physical Exercise
2 of 17
Day to day life that has equilibrium, quality and wellness, and which includes physical exercise, nutritious diet, rest/sleep and more.
Healthy Balanced Lifestyle
3 of 17
Enjoyable, health enhancing movement that is sustained throughout life.
Life Long Physical Activity
4 of 17
Activities that can be enjoyed over the course of a lifetime.
Lifetime sport
5 of 17
The chance to take part based on factors such as time, money, etc.
6 of 17
The availability of facilities which allow for participation.
7 of 17
The confidence to take part.
8 of 17
Physical activities that are pursued for a variety of reasons and benefits at a relatively unsophisticated level.
Physical recreation
9 of 17
Physical activities which take place in the natural environment which are pursued for a variety of reasons and benefits.
Outdoor Recreation
10 of 17
An organised, competitive and skilful physical activity requiring commitment and fair play.
11 of 17
Movement that is pleasing to the eye or beautiful to watch.
12 of 17
Putting effort into activities
Physical Endeavour
13 of 17
Fair play in sporting situations.
14 of 17
Level of skill within a sport
Physical Prowess
15 of 17
Stretching the rules to gain an unfair advantage.
16 of 17
Seriously breaking the rules and norms of sport.
17 of 17

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Card 2


Planned or structured physical activity requiring physical effort, aimed at improving health and fitness.


Physical Exercise

Card 3


Day to day life that has equilibrium, quality and wellness, and which includes physical exercise, nutritious diet, rest/sleep and more.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Enjoyable, health enhancing movement that is sustained throughout life.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Activities that can be enjoyed over the course of a lifetime.


Preview of the front of card 5
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