peasants 1855-1905

explain social situation in 1855
peasants paid 90% of taxes, land held by nobles - working serfs, poor farming, no political say unless part of gov, church upheld autocracy, many national minorities, peasants conscripted
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explain positive impact of emancipation on serfs
personal freedom - (marry, own property, run business, travel, legal protection), 85% former serfs became owners of land previously worked on, growth of liberalism, Zemstva - health, education - benefitted serfs
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explain negative impact of emancipation edict
redemption payments, mir, 647 riots in first 4 months following emancipation, Impoverished due to redemptions no famine-relief weren't protected by owners, slow moving process
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explain positive impact of A II's reforms on peasants
no longer liable class for conscription - enjoyed better terms of service, care, literacy increased as education extended due to zemstva, judicial system provided greater chance of fair justice
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explain negative impact of A II's reforms on peasants
created platform for people to criticise - courts, peasants had separate courts and judges illiterate, people question regime - education, educational opportunities limited
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explain positive impact of industrialisation on peasants
job opportunities, peasants could move towns, enabled Russia to support growing population, 1896 agricultural settlements opened in Siberia due to railway
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explain negative Impact of industrialisation on peasants
peasants forced to sell up and move to cities to find work - conditions were harsh
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explain negative continuity
famines - 1891-2, 1898, 1901, peasants driven to produce surplus in grain, average life expectancy 27 compared to 45 in England
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Card 2


explain positive impact of emancipation on serfs


personal freedom - (marry, own property, run business, travel, legal protection), 85% former serfs became owners of land previously worked on, growth of liberalism, Zemstva - health, education - benefitted serfs

Card 3


explain negative impact of emancipation edict


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Card 4


explain positive impact of A II's reforms on peasants


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Card 5


explain negative impact of A II's reforms on peasants


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