Other questions in this quiz

2. How was George Floyd killed?

  • A police officer knelt with force against his neck.
  • He was shot by a police officer.

3. Why were passers by prevented from helping George Floyd?

  • Other police officers stood guard.
  • They didn't want to help.

4. How does RCT explain protests?

  • It shows that the more protesters and protests there are, the more likely the justice system is to listen.
  • It shows that in the past prejudice could be created over competition over resources between races, causing black people to become a scapegoat. So, people now want equality and to stop innocent people from being a scapegoat.
  • People are protesting against racial bias within the police force, as police officers may act unjustly towards black people because they are following orders from superiors and don't want to get in trouble.
  • It shows that all races are coming together to protest, as our race isn't the only group we identify with.

5. Who showed there was racial bias in the prison system in England and Wales by showing statistics?

  • Lammy Review
  • Hello!
  • The national census


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