Social Psychology

What situational factors affect obedience?
Proximity (how close the authority figure is), status (the power of the authority figure) and responsibility (if its put on authority figure they're more likely to obey)
1 of 5
What individual differences affect obedience?
Personality (if the individual obeys structure they're more likely to obey an authority figure), locus of control (internal-in control of themselves so are less likely to be influenced by others) and empathy (people with high levels won't harm)
2 of 5
What cultural factors affect obedience?
Behaviours vary across different cultures. There are two main types of cultures; individualistic and collectivist
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What is a collectivist culture?
Where people tend to act as a collective meaning they are more likely to obey their leaders
4 of 5
What is an individualistic culture?
Where an individual acts on there own, so is less likely to obey someone
5 of 5

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Card 2


What individual differences affect obedience?


Personality (if the individual obeys structure they're more likely to obey an authority figure), locus of control (internal-in control of themselves so are less likely to be influenced by others) and empathy (people with high levels won't harm)

Card 3


What cultural factors affect obedience?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a collectivist culture?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an individualistic culture?


Preview of the front of card 5


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