Social Psychology

Personality attributes that seem to be the most representative of a person are called
central traits
1 of 15
As we encounter more instances of a category, our schema is likely to become
less exemplar based, more prototype based
2 of 15
The way in which we attribute specific characteristics and traits to people is called
impression formation
3 of 15
Benny dislikes the police and thinks they are all stupid. He often throws rocks at them.In this example, disliking the police reflects the...... component, thunking the police are stupid reflects the ..... component, and throwing rocks reflects the..
affective, cognitive behavioural
4 of 15
Attitudes that are developed towards persons, places and things on the basis of their association with the positive or negative experiences that we have of them reflects the role of.... in the development of social interactions
classical conditioning
5 of 15
According to the elaboration likelihood model, __________ is/are to a central route of persuasion as __________ is/are to a peripheral route of persuasion
critical thinking; association with celebrities
6 of 15
Angela is a vegetarian who works in a hamburger restaurant, she says it was the only job she can find and is making more money than other jobs, in this instance Angela:
reduced dissonance by justifying her behaviour
7 of 15
Milgram's research is noteworthy because it demonstrated the power of __________ in influencing important forms of social behaviour
obedience to authority
8 of 15
Whenever David practices the piano privately he plays very well, however, when his parents or one of his sisters listen to him, he always makes a few mistakes. According to Zajonc, this is an example of
the effects of arousal on performance
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People like to think their perceptions and attitudes are accurate, so if they are uncertain or find that others disagree, they may feel a need to change their perceptions and attitudes in line with those of other people. This type of influence is:
informational influence
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A group being given a grade and all members given the same grade could produce the effect of
social loafing
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The configural model of impression formation was developed by
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In general, the most accessible social categories are _____ categories
13 of 15
After making what you thought was a great deal on a new car, the salesperson tells you that there has been a mistake in his addition and that the car is really going to cost you considerably more than you had originally agreed to. This technique is:
14 of 15
Laura is in her first semester of college. She has only encountered three professors but already she thinks that they are rude and arrogant. Her attitude towards professors reflects
15 of 15

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Card 2


As we encounter more instances of a category, our schema is likely to become


less exemplar based, more prototype based

Card 3


The way in which we attribute specific characteristics and traits to people is called


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Card 4


Benny dislikes the police and thinks they are all stupid. He often throws rocks at them.In this example, disliking the police reflects the...... component, thunking the police are stupid reflects the ..... component, and throwing rocks reflects the..


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Card 5


Attitudes that are developed towards persons, places and things on the basis of their association with the positive or negative experiences that we have of them reflects the role of.... in the development of social interactions


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