AQA A Level Psychology Quiz - Social Influence

  • Created by: Jaz18
  • Created on: 10-01-22 15:15
Who proposed the 3 types of conformity?
1 of 28
What is identification in relation to conformity?
A temporary change in behaviour, as you value the membership of a group, conforming publicly, but disagree privately
2 of 28
How many participants were there in Asch's study on conformity?
3 of 28
What percentage of people did NOT conform in Asch's study
4 of 28
What were the main three variations of Asch's study?
Task difficulty, group size, unanimity
5 of 28
Who evaluated Asch's study by replicating it on engineering students?
Perrin and Spencer
6 of 28
What does Normative Social Influence mean?
Conforming to fit in
7 of 28
What are the names of the two psychologists who conducted separate studies that supported the explanations of conformity?
Schultz, Lucas et Al
8 of 28
How many participants were involved in Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment?
9 of 28
How many participants took part in Milgram's study on obedience?
10 of 28
What percentage of participants stopped at 300v?
11 of 28
What was NOT a prod used by the experimenter in Milgram's study on obedience?
"You must go on"
12 of 28
What was the name of the psychologist who studied Nurses, in order to support Milgram's study?
13 of 28
Sheridan and King replicated Milgram's study, but they did not use a confederate, who did they use instead? (evaluation to support)
14 of 28
When the location of Milgram's experiment was changed, what percentage did obedience drop to?
15 of 28
What is it called when you believe you are acting on behalf of someone else, and your actions are no longer your responsibility?
The agentic state
16 of 28
What is it called when you believe you have free will to choose how you behave and take responsibility for your actions?
The autonomous state
17 of 28
What are binding factors?
Aspects that bind us to the task and block out moral strain
18 of 28
What does the person we act as an agent for usually have?
Legitimacy of authority
19 of 28
Kilham and Mann replicated Milgram's study in Australia, what was the percentage of obedience there? (evaluation to support)
20 of 28
A strength of the idea of Legitimacy of Authority is that it can explain real life war crimes, but who linked this to the power of the hierarchy of the US army in relation to the My Lai Massacre?
Kelman and Hamilton
21 of 28
Who designed the f-scale to measure whether a person had an authoritarian personality or not?
Adorno et Al
22 of 28
What is NOT a key feature of the authoritarian personality?
Low expectations
23 of 28
Who created a questionnaire to assess locus of control?
24 of 28
What locus of control does a person who feels they have a great deal of control over their own behaviour/takes responsibility for their own actions have?
25 of 28
A person who has an internal locus of control is more likely to...
...resist social influence
26 of 28
Whose research on the Holocaust supports Rotter's idea of the locus of control?
Oliner and Oliner
27 of 28
What three behaviours does a minority group need in order to make social change?
Commitment, consistency, flexibility
28 of 28

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is identification in relation to conformity?


A temporary change in behaviour, as you value the membership of a group, conforming publicly, but disagree privately

Card 3


How many participants were there in Asch's study on conformity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What percentage of people did NOT conform in Asch's study


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were the main three variations of Asch's study?


Preview of the front of card 5
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