Social Influence

  • Created by: HULKSMASH
  • Created on: 18-03-20 10:53
Which types of influence leads to true conformity?
Informational social influence (ISI) as we internalise our beliefs to theirs creating internalisation which is the type of conformity.
1 of 8
Which two of the following are types of conformity?
A) Agentic State B)Compliance C) Group Size D) Identification E) Unanimity
2 of 8
Outline two types of conformity which look at situational factors?
Internalisation looks at unanimity and social support as by losing that dissenter you are more likely to identify. The individual differences has shown that women are more likely to conform in public vs when their views were kept private- compliance
3 of 8
Identify and briefly discuss two reasons why people have criticised Haney et al's prison experiment?
Ethics and Observer bias- ethics they were not protected from harm as 5 prisoner had to leave and Observer bias- zimbardo loss objectivty
4 of 8
What is meant by autonomous state? How does it affect obedience?
Autonomous state is where you are in control of your own actions. It can affect obedience as it causes people to use ration behind thoughts as they don't want the responsibility for those actions.
5 of 8
Apply agency theory to explain why a year 9 pupil is more likely to obey instructions from a head teacher than a classroom assistant when asked to pick up litter in front of their classmates?
As the pupil believes that the head teacher has legitimate authority over them whereas they do not believe the assistant has authority allowing the agentic shift to take place.
6 of 8
How could you apply the situational variables to increase obedience in a school?
Proximity to learner: Decrease class size, decrease class room size. Proximity to authority figure: decrease class size and have more one on one sessions. Location: Having all lessons in a classroom. Uniform: Have a standardised uniform for teachers.
7 of 8
How does the authoritarian personality explain why a person may be more obedient?
As a key point for the F scale is that you believe in conventionalism which means you are obedient to the law and authority figures.
8 of 8

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Card 2


Which two of the following are types of conformity?


A) Agentic State B)Compliance C) Group Size D) Identification E) Unanimity

Card 3


Outline two types of conformity which look at situational factors?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Identify and briefly discuss two reasons why people have criticised Haney et al's prison experiment?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is meant by autonomous state? How does it affect obedience?


Preview of the front of card 5
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