Social Influence

  • Created by: Abby0405
  • Created on: 14-12-18 20:10
When individuals go along with an idea or opinion to be accepted by the majority. It does not change the individuals opinion or idea privately, only publicly.
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When people adopt the behaviour, attitudes or values from the majority.
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When an individual adapts behaviour, values or attitude because they want to be associated with a group. This influence is privately and publicly, though after the individual is no longer in the group it stops to be private.
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Informational Social Influence
The desire to be right and looking to others as a way of gaining evidence about the world
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When an individual accepts influence because they believe in the content or attitude- it aligns with their own value system
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Normative Social Influence
The desire to be liked and avoid social disapproval by conforming to the expectations of a group
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Social Roles
The behaviours expected from an individual who occupies a certain social position or status.
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Obedience to Authority
When someone acts in response to a direct order from a figure of perceived authority that they wouldn't have done without the order
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Agentic State
An individual that sees themselves as an agent in carrying out other people's wishes.
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Legitimate Authority
A person who is perceived to be in a position of social control in a given situation
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Authoritarian Personality
A personality pattern characterised by strict adherence to conventional values- including absolute obedience or submission to authority.
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Caused by an individuals characteristics rather than situational influences in the environment.
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F Scale
A measure of authoritarian traits or tendencies.
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Ring-wing Authoritarianism
Personality variables (conventionalism, authoritarian aggression and authoritarian submission) associated with a right-wing attitude to life.
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Individuals who believe that their behaviour is caused by environmental factors outside of their control.
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Individuals who believe that they are responsible for their own actions.
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Locus of Control
The perception a person has of their own responsibility over their actions. E.g people with an internal locus of control believe they are responsible for their own actions.
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Social Support
The theory that if people are surrounded by a supportive network then they are able to resist social influence.
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Members of the minority being dedicated to a particular cause or activity.
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Members of the minority being stable in their expressed position over all members and time.
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Members of the minority being willing to compromise when expressing a position.
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Minority Influence
A form of social influence where members of the majority group change their beliefs or behaviours as a result of exposure to a persuasive minority.
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Social Change
When a society or an area of society adopts a new belief or way of behaving that becomes widely accepted as the norm.
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Social Norms Interventions
Attempts to correct the misperceptions of the normative behaviour or peers in attempt to change the risky behaviour of a target population.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When people adopt the behaviour, attitudes or values from the majority.



Card 3


When an individual adapts behaviour, values or attitude because they want to be associated with a group. This influence is privately and publicly, though after the individual is no longer in the group it stops to be private.


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Card 4


The desire to be right and looking to others as a way of gaining evidence about the world


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Card 5


When an individual accepts influence because they believe in the content or attitude- it aligns with their own value system


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