Social Influence

When a person genuinely accepts group norms. It results in a private as well as public change of opinions/behaviour. The change is more likely to be permanent and persist in the absence of the group.
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When we identify with a group that we value, we want to become part of it; so we publicly change our opnions/behaviour, even if we don't privately agree with everything the group stands for.
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Involves 'going along with others' in public, but privately not changing our opinions/behaviour. This results in only a superficial change and the opinion/behaviour stops as soon as group pressure ceases.
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Information Social Influence (ISI)
ISI is about information, a desire to be right. When we are uncertain about what behaviours or beliefs are right or wrong, we look to people who we believe are smarter than us and go along with them. ISI occurs in situations which are ambigious.
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Evaluation of ISI
+ Research support: Lucas et al (2006) asked students to answer easy and more difficult maths problems. Conformity increased when questions became more difficult.
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Card 2


When we identify with a group that we value, we want to become part of it; so we publicly change our opnions/behaviour, even if we don't privately agree with everything the group stands for.



Card 3


Involves 'going along with others' in public, but privately not changing our opinions/behaviour. This results in only a superficial change and the opinion/behaviour stops as soon as group pressure ceases.


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Card 4


ISI is about information, a desire to be right. When we are uncertain about what behaviours or beliefs are right or wrong, we look to people who we believe are smarter than us and go along with them. ISI occurs in situations which are ambigious.


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Card 5


+ Research support: Lucas et al (2006) asked students to answer easy and more difficult maths problems. Conformity increased when questions became more difficult.


Preview of the back of card 5


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