Social Influence

Occurs when an individual accepts influence to receive a favourable reaction. An attitude is adopted because of the rewards associated with it.
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A form of influence where an individual adopts an attitude or behaviour because they want to be associated with a certain group.
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Occurs when an individual accepts influence because of the content of the attitude or behaviour is consistent with their own values or beliefs.
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Informational social influence
Explanation - result of the desire to be right
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Normative social influence
Where an individual conforms with the expectations of the majority in order to gain approval or to avoid social disapproval.
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Obedience to authority
Obedience refers to a type of social influence whereby somebody acts in response to a direct order from a figure of perceived authority
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Agentic State
A person sees himself/herself as an agent for carrying out another person's wishes.
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Legitimate Authority
A person who is perceived to be in a position of social control within a situation.
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Authoritarian Personality
A distinct personality pattern characterised by strict adherence to conventional values and a belief in absolute obedience to authority.
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Explanations of behaviour such as obedience emphasise them being caused by an individual's own personal characteristics rather than situational influences within the environment.
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F scale
Also known as the "California F Scale" or the "Fascism Scale", it was developed in 1947 as a measure of authoritarian traits or tendencies.
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Right-wing Authoritarianism
A cluster of personality variables (conventionalism, authority submission, authoritarian aggression) that are associated with a "right-wing" attitude to life.
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Individuals who tend to believe that their behaviour and experience is caused by events outside their control.
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Individuals who tend to believe that they are responsible for their behaviour and experience rather than outside forces.
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Locus of Control
People differ in their beliefs about whether the outcomes of their actions are dependent on what they do or on events outside their personal control
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Social Support
The perception that an individual has assistance available from other people, and that they are part if a supportive netw
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The degree to which members of a minority are dedicated to a particular cause or activity. The greater the perceived commitment, the greater the influence.
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Minority influence is effective provided there is stability in the expressed position over time and agreement among different members of the minority.
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A willingness to be flexible and to compromise when expressing a position.
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Social Change
Occurs when a society or section of society adopts a new belief or way of behaving which then becomes widely accepted as the norm.
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Social Norms Interventions
Attempt to correct misperceptions of the normative behaviour of peers in an attempt to change the risky behaviour of a target population.
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Card 2


A form of influence where an individual adopts an attitude or behaviour because they want to be associated with a certain group.



Card 3


Occurs when an individual accepts influence because of the content of the attitude or behaviour is consistent with their own values or beliefs.


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Card 4


Explanation - result of the desire to be right


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Card 5


Where an individual conforms with the expectations of the majority in order to gain approval or to avoid social disapproval.


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