Sir Gawian

Nature returns to life every spring but humans more only towards death.
The Green Knight, whose very colour suggests nature, can survive death but Gawain cannot. (Twomey)
1 of 8
the pure pentangle
generosity, sympathy, chastity, courtesy, compassion
2 of 8
Gawain swears to wear the Girdle as "a reminder to me/
of the frailty and weakness of the treacherous flesh,/ how liable it is to the sins of impurity"
3 of 8
Gawain is much too aware of his excellence: no modest man would employ
the pentangle with its symbolism on his shield... What he learns in Bertilak's domain is some humility. (Leyerle)
4 of 8
This is the ancient ethos of the Mannerbund (German for 'male cohort')
In which honour is held collectively as well as individually. (Twomey)
5 of 8
But of all those who dwelt there, of the British kings,/
Arthur was always judged noblest, as I have heard tell.
6 of 8
His hue astounded them,/ Set in his looks so keen;/
For boldly he rode in,/ Completely emerald green.
7 of 8
and all the court too laughed loudly about it,
and formally agreed that all lords and ladies of the Round Table... would wear such a belt
8 of 8

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Card 2


the pure pentangle


generosity, sympathy, chastity, courtesy, compassion

Card 3


Gawain swears to wear the Girdle as "a reminder to me/


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Gawain is much too aware of his excellence: no modest man would employ


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


This is the ancient ethos of the Mannerbund (German for 'male cohort')


Preview of the front of card 5
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