Sheila Birling

  • Created by: kelsanne
  • Created on: 17-04-21 16:04
how is Sheila presented as childish at the beginning of the play?
addressing her mother as "mummy"
1 of 10
what effect does Sheila's childishness have on the audience's view on her character?
it makes her easier to forgive as her involvement in Eva's downfall seems like a result of her immaturity which makes her easier to forgive
2 of 10
what does the quite "between us we killed her" show about Sheila's character?
It shows that she acknowledges that she used her power in society to punish Eva/Daisy and regrets her actions. She is eager to learn from the consequences. Priestly uses her as a moral judge
3 of 10
"mustn't try to build up a kind of wall" What device does Priestly use here? And what does it show about Sheila's understanding of the situation?
It is a metaphor. It shows that Sheila has an insightful understanding of the inspector's methods, she knows that whatever walls the family try to build up the inspector will only knock them down again and by building the walls she says that "you're makin
4 of 10
How does Sheila react to finding out at Eva/Daisy's death? (quote her)
"Oh-how horrible! Was it an accident?"
5 of 10
What does Sheila's action in Milward's represent?
Her envy and anger. You could also say her childishness
6 of 10
How is Sheila's envy shown? (include quotes if you can)
Sheila is envious of Eva's looks and Eva's elegance in her dress.
"it just suited her" --- we know that sheila is jealous as she admits that she was "jealous of her"
7 of 10
How is Sheila's anger shown? (include quotes if you can )
Sheila is angry that the dress that she wanted suits Eva and not her. She also catches Eva smirking and laughing at her. " I was in a furious temper" "I caught sight of this girl smiling"
(also shows her immaturity)
8 of 10
How does Sheila change throughout the play?
At the beginning of the play, Sheila is "pleased with life" and happy but by the end she understands her responsibility in society and how her actions effect others. She tries to make her family aware of this too "I'm ashamed of it... you're beginning all
9 of 10
What does the quote "Oh- Gerald- you've got it - is it the one [ring] you wanted me to have?" show about Sheila's character at the start of the play?
She is a typical woman of the 1910s, she seems to only care about wealth, appearance and materialism.
10 of 10

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Card 2


it makes her easier to forgive as her involvement in Eva's downfall seems like a result of her immaturity which makes her easier to forgive


what effect does Sheila's childishness have on the audience's view on her character?

Card 3


It shows that she acknowledges that she used her power in society to punish Eva/Daisy and regrets her actions. She is eager to learn from the consequences. Priestly uses her as a moral judge


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Card 4


It is a metaphor. It shows that Sheila has an insightful understanding of the inspector's methods, she knows that whatever walls the family try to build up the inspector will only knock them down again and by building the walls she says that "you're makin


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Card 5


"Oh-how horrible! Was it an accident?"


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