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6. tetrahedral molecules, with no lone pairs, have a bond angle of

  • 120
  • 180
  • 109.5
  • 104.5

7. put these bond angles in order of increasing size

  • lone pair- lone pair, bond pair- bond pair, bond pair- lone pair
  • bond pair- bond pair, bond pair- lone pair, lone pair- lone pair
  • bond pair- lone pair, lone pair- lone pair, bond pair- bond pair

8. Which one of the following is not the same shape as the others?

  • OF2
  • BeCl2
  • HCN
  • CO2

9. Boron trichloride, BCl3, is

  • planar with a bond angle of 90°
  • pyramidal with a bond angle of 107°
  • planar with a bond angle of 120°
  • pyramidal with a bond angle of 109½°