
Identify 5 causes of congestion.
Increase of car ownership, Limited amount of public transport, Roads not designed for cars (in Europe), Population growth and rural-urban migration, The movement of containers onto lorries
1 of 5
Name 4 Social problems caused by Congestion.
Increase pollution (which leads to chest problems), People travelling to work have to leave earlier from home, Increase of car accidents (death), Traffic jams can increase the frequency of road rage.
2 of 5
Name 3 Environmental problems caused by Congestion.
Increase of pollution, Increased car ownership - Increased building (parking lots) - Destruction of greenfield sites, Pollution (also acid rain)
3 of 5
Name 4 Economic problems caused by Congestion.
Building new roads = expensive, Late deliveries (caused by traffic jams) cost companies, Workers arrive late, Creates more reliance on oil and more oil is used.
4 of 5
Rapid Urbanisation can cause problems such as (9)
Congestion, Destruction of greenfield sites, Electricity blackouts, Water shortages, Unemployment, Homelessness, Growth of informal settlements, Crime
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name 4 Social problems caused by Congestion.


Increase pollution (which leads to chest problems), People travelling to work have to leave earlier from home, Increase of car accidents (death), Traffic jams can increase the frequency of road rage.

Card 3


Name 3 Environmental problems caused by Congestion.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name 4 Economic problems caused by Congestion.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Rapid Urbanisation can cause problems such as (9)


Preview of the front of card 5


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