sensorimotor dev

  • Created by: freya_bc
  • Created on: 23-02-18 16:38
Cassidy et al., (2016)
Wide range of scores of AS quotient – left peak gen pop without diagnosis autistic on right Those who do and don’t have diag autism Is dev coord disorder more prev in those diag autism than those in gen pop
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Adults with autism significantly more likely to have DCD/dyspraxia (6.9%) than the gen pop (0.8%) Adults with DCD/dyspraxia have significantly higher autistic traits and lower empathy than controls Sensorimotor skills important social skills low emp
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(Piek and Dyck 2004)
much overlap between DCD dyspraxia and autism
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Cummins et al. 2005
Both associated with difficulties in social and communication skills, and empathy into adulthood
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Hannant et al. 2016
Autism must be assessed in those with DCD and vice versa
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Green et al. 2009)
80% of people with autism have definite motor difficulties, and an additional 10% are borderline
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Flanagan et al. 2012)
Motor differences are present from early infancy
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Chawarska et al. 2007
Motor delays tend to be reported by parents as first area of concern at 14.7 months. V early considering formal diagnosis at 3-5yo
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Mostofsky et al. 2006
) so struggle to learn new skills easily e.g. how to feed yourself, how to speak of other people-
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Page and Boucher, 1998
motor difficulties assoc with difficulties in speech sound production
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Cummins et al. 2005
motor difficulties assoc diff in emotion recognition
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Batt et al. 2011
motor difficulties associated with difficulties Anxiety in response to social interaction
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Caminha and Lampreia, 2012; Tomcheck and Dunn, 2007
High prevalence in autism (65% - 95%)
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Blanche et al. 2012
Proprioceptive impairment (determining where body is in space
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Baron-Cohen et al. 2013
Increased rates of synaesthesia (where one sensory modality triggers another. experience touch as colours more prev in those with autism
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Mottron et al. 2006)
evidence of superior visual processing of details - sensory difficulties in autism
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Koldewyn et al. 2011
Difficulties processing motion
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Matsushima and Kato, 2013; Reynolds et al. 2011)
Sensory reactivity associated with difficulties in social and communication skills
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Tavissoli et al. 2013; 2014
Autistic traits associated with sensory reactivity
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Wigham et al., (2015) ** check
Sensory difficulties a core feature of autism and associated with RRBs and anxiety Repetitive behaviours (RRBs) also a core feature = insistence on sameness/routine and repetitive motor movements intol uncertainty
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Landa and Garrett-Mayer, 2006)
Associated with increased likelihood of autism diagnosis at 3 years. Assoc with later diag
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Hannant et al., (2016)
are SM difficulties prev in in autism. Children with autism have marked sensory and motor difficulties compared to those without autism Sensorimotor skills, such as catching a ball, most strongly associated with a number of autism symptoms...
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across measures in both groups Sensorimotor skills (as opposed to sensory or motor alone) more strongly predict social and communication skills in those with and without autism
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Schmitt et al. 2013
eye movements- less accurate when moving eyes to a new target - can overshoot
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Wilkes et al. 2015)
Slower to initiate an eye movement
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Glazebrook et al. 2009
Difficulties coordinating hand and eye movements
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Hannant et al. 2016; Klin et al. 2002)
Could explain delay in looking to pertinent social cues with downstream effects on social and communication ability
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Cascio et al., (2012)
rubbish hand illusion- children with autism less susceptivle than typically dev controls, delay susceptibility to the illusion 6 mins, those children with less empathy less susceptible- reduc abil integ visual and tactile info
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Paton and Enticott, (2012)
Adults with autism did experience the rubber hand illusion, but were less sensitive to visual-tactile discrepancies Less proprioceptive drift to the rubber hand than controls
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Dowd et al. 2012)
presence of a visual distractor did not impact performance of children with autism like with typical controls
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Gepner and Mestre, 2002)
significantly less able to correct movements from visual compared to proprioceptive feedback
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(Gowen et al. 2008
specific difficulties with motor movements which require integrating visual cues or other sensory signals
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Salowitz et al., (2013)
Some ASD participants performed better than TYP children whereas others performed much worse. Moreover, mirror drawing error was correlated with hand orientation and hand shape deficits in imitation, Mirrow drawing- dif incorp what seeing to motor
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Cascio et al. 2012; Vandenbroucke et al. 2009; Glazebrook et al. 2009)
People with autism can learn new motor skills, and modify the forward model, but it takes longer. Also appears to improve with age (e.g. adults more susceptible to rubber hand illusion)
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Schmitt et al. 2014
Cerebellum could play a key role: Saccadic accuracy has been connected to error-reducing function of the cerebellum
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Marko et al., (2015)
cerebellum could play a key role- cerebellum vol assoc with difficulties incorporating visual cues in motor leanring
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Glickstein, 1998
Cerebellum contains pathways that link sensory and motor pathways in the brain
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McAlonan et al. 2002)
Abnormalities found in those with autism
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Allen et al. 2004
Decreased activation in cerebellum during motor tasks in autism
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Anderberg et al., (2017)
Increased prevalence of anxiety Autistic adults can benefit from psychological therapy to treat mental health difficulties such as anxiety, but it takes much longer Role of mental health in this anx in autism due to SM difficulties ...
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Therapies to treat but takes so much longer because struggle to think flexibly
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Hannant et al. 2016
Sensorimotor difficulties also explains development and maintenance of autism
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Card 2




Adults with autism significantly more likely to have DCD/dyspraxia (6.9%) than the gen pop (0.8%) Adults with DCD/dyspraxia have significantly higher autistic traits and lower empathy than controls Sensorimotor skills important social skills low emp

Card 3


(Piek and Dyck 2004)


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Card 4


Cummins et al. 2005


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Card 5


Hannant et al. 2016


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