
  • Created by: Issy
  • Created on: 26-09-17 21:36
What is power?
The rate at which a component converts electrical energy into other engy types
1 of 15
What is current?
The rate of flow of charged particles
2 of 15
What is potential difference?
The energy per unit charge
3 of 15
What is resistance?
How difficult it is for current to flow
4 of 15
Why does resistance occur?
resistance is caused by electrons colliding with aoms and losing energy to other forms
5 of 15
What is ohm's law?
If external factors are constant current is directly proportional to p.d in an ohmic conductor
6 of 15
Which equation isn't correct
7 of 15
What is the equation for total resistance in series?
8 of 15
what is the realtionship between conductance and resistance?
9 of 15
What does conductance depend on?
A material's number density of mobile charge carriers -number of free charged particles per m^3
10 of 15
What direction does conventional current flow in?
Positive to negative terminal of a power supply
11 of 15
What equation is incorrect?
12 of 15
How do you calculate the total E.M.F in a series circuit?
13 of 15
What is emf?
The elctro-motive-force, the amount of electrical energy the battery produces for each coulomb of charge
14 of 15
current entering a junction is...
the same as the current exiting the junction
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is current?


The rate of flow of charged particles

Card 3


What is potential difference?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is resistance?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why does resistance occur?


Preview of the front of card 5
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