SEM 1 : Heart and Central Vasculature


1. what is the arrangement of the heart

  • Ant: RA
    Post: LA
    Inf: LV and RV
    Right: RV
    Left: LV
  • Ant: RV
    Post: LV
    Inf: LV and RV
    Right: RV
    Left: LA
  • Ant: RV
    Post: LA
    Inf: LV and RV
    Right: RA
    Left: LV
  • Ant: RV
    Post: LV
    Inf: LV and RV
    Right: RA
    Left: LA
  • Ant: RV
    Post: LA
    Inf: LV and RV
    Right: RV
    Left: LV
  • Ant: RA
    Post: LA
    Inf: LV and RV
    Right: RA
    Left: LV
1 of 9

Other questions in this quiz

2. what is the order of the layers of the pericardium

  • Serous, Parietal fibrous, Serous fluid, Visceral fibrous
  • Serous, Visceral fibrous, Parietal fibrous, Serous fluid
  • Fibrous, Parietal serous, Serous fluid, Visceral serous
  • Fibrous, Visceral serous, Parietal serous, Serous fluid
  • Fibrous, Visceral serous, Serous fluid, Parietal serous
  • Fibrous, Parietal serous, Visceral serous, Serous fluid

3. where does the coronary sinus drain

  • anteriorly into right atrium
  • posteriorly into right atrium
  • posteriorly into aorta
  • posteriorly into left atrium
  • anteriorly into left atrium
  • anteriorly into aorta

4. what are the relations of the heart

  • apex: 5th IC base: diaphragm lateral: mediastinal pleura, lungs. ant: anterior mediastinum, thymus, sternum
  • apex: 4th IC base: posterior mediastinum lateral: mediastinal pleura, lungs. ant: anterior mediastinum, sternum inf: diaphragm, thymus
  • apex: thymus base: posterior mediastinum lateral: parietal pleura, lungs. ant: anterior mediastinum, sternum inf: diaphragm
  • apex: thymus base: posterior mediastinum lateral: parietal pleura, lungs. ant: inferior mediastinum, sternum inf: diaphragm

5. what is the interventricular sulci

  • separation of atria from ventricles inside heart
  • separation of left and right ventricles on surface
  • separation of left and right atria on surface
  • separation of atria from ventricles on surface
  • separation of left and right ventricles inside heart
  • separation of left and right atria inside heart


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