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Card 6


Argues that religious diversity may lead some to question their religious beliefs, but this is not inevitable. Opposing views can have the effect of strengthening a religious group's commitment to existing beliefs.


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Card 7


Argued that in the USA, churchgoing was seen as an expression of the 'American way of life,' rather than as a result of deeply held religious beliefs. He claimed America was secular because religion had become superificial.


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Card 8


Argues secularisation comes from within. The emphasis on traditional Christian beliefs and glorifying God has declined. This change has enabled it to fit in with a secular society. The purpose of religion has changed from seeking salvation to seeking pers


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Card 9


In the past, the power of the church meant people felt obliged to attend services. Due to rationalism undermining religion, religion is now a choice, that people choose to consume.


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Card 10


Studied a town in Cumbria to find out whether traditional religion had declined, and if so, how far the growth of spirituality was compensating for this. They identified 2 groups: the congregational domain (traditional Christians) and the holistic milieu


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Card 11


Although many people dabbled in New Age practices, a serious commitment to New Age beliefs was rare.


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Card 12


Claimed secularisation always leads to religious revival. They argue humans are naturally religious and in need of spirituality, and religion offers compensation. People who argue religion is in decline focus on conventional religion, rather than New Reli


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Card 13


Religion provides security in a risky and threatening world. Prosperous, safe and advanced countries feel more secure, so they have less need for religion. This is why some of the richest countries are more secular than the poorer ones (e.g. Sweden, Brita


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Card 14


Sees fundamentalism as a response to living in a cosmopolitan world (a post modern world). Cosmopolitanism brings a sense of freedom of choice, uncertainty, and heightened awareness of risk, which undermines the value that we are grounded in tradition. Wh


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Card 15


Found 2 responses to postmodernity: resistance identity (a defensive reaction, like turning to fundamentalism) and project identity (those who are more forward looking).


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