
  • Created by: sammy
  • Created on: 14-05-13 06:13
why is it good to use low temperature washing detergents?
because the enzymes awork better in low temps which saves energy and money.
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what is vital for enzymes in industry to have?
long shelf life, high temps, wide range of ph tolerances, work with chemicals.
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what is an example of enzymes in industry?
preoteases are used to pre digest baby food. they break down the protein molecules ino smaller molecules because babies stomachs are not strong enough to break down big molecules of protein.
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another example?
glucose is very expensive so they use fructose to make food sweeter. fructose is much sweeter than glucose so less is needed however fructose is very expensive so they use isomerase enzymes mixed with glucose to make fructose.good for slimming foods.
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how do we prevent contamination fo the enzymes?
put them in capsules.
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equation for aerobic respiration?
oxygen + glucose = co2 + water (energy)
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equation for anaerobic?
glucose= lactic acid + small amount of energy
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where does respiration take place?
in the mitochondria
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what does lactic acid do?
it decreases the ph. so the enzymes activity is reduced, so the muscles cannot contract efficiently and thats why anaerobic respiration is a short process.
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what happens after excersise?
panting helps repay the oxygen debt this breaks down the lactic acid and gets rid of the extra co2
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what is mitosis?
when the body cells divide to make copies of themselves to replace or repair worn out cells.
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what happens during mitosis?
the cells produce 2 identical daughter cells, in the nucleus there are chromosomes. before the cell divides each molecule of DNA is replicated, it lien sup in the center of the nucleus and then splits apart into two new cells.
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when is mitosis also used?
asexual reproduction
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what is meiosis?
the cell division of sex gametes.
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what happens during meiosis?
copies are made of the dna in the nucleus, the dna then pair up with different dna strands they then split. it then divides again and splits the cell into 4 different cellsthe cells made are called hapolid gametes. all the cells are different.
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what is the process of meiosis?
the cells become haploids which when they pair up they become diploids and the n become a zygote the zygote will then divide by mitosis into many cells into a individual.
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Mendel and his peas?
cross pollinated 2 characteristics of peas. (long stemmed and short stemmed), the f1 gen had all tall stemmed . the f1 gen interbred and the f2 gen showed some small and some tall. counted (s=277 and t=787) t stemmed =dominant s stemmed= recessive.
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what idd mendel study?
mono hybrid inheritence
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DNA strands, which letter goes with which?
AT and GC
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only need 1 dominant gene to get it.
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need 2 recessive genes to get the disease.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is vital for enzymes in industry to have?


long shelf life, high temps, wide range of ph tolerances, work with chemicals.

Card 3


what is an example of enzymes in industry?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


another example?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how do we prevent contamination fo the enzymes?


Preview of the front of card 5
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