Science Quiz

  • Created by: hanzqh
  • Created on: 22-11-20 18:43
What is the test for oxygen gas?
a glowing splint will relight
1 of 15
What is the test for hydrogen gas?
A burning splint will make a squeaky pop
2 of 15
What is an allotrope?
Two or more different physical arrangements of the same atom e.g. diamond graphite,graphene
3 of 15
Name 3 types of solvent that can be used?
Water, alcohol and acetone
4 of 15
How are unreactive metals (e.g. gold) removed from their ore?
They are native (unreactive so dont form an ore)
5 of 15
How are metals MORE reactive than carbon removed from their ore?
6 of 15
How are metals LESS reactive than carbon removed from their ore
They are reduced (reacted with) by carbon
7 of 15
The equation for density
8 of 15
Name the structure that ionic bonding forms
Giant ionic lattice
9 of 15
Describe what happens in covalent bonding
Electrons are shared between atoms=strong electrostatic attraction between electrons and nucleus
10 of 15
Define solvent
A liquid in which a solid will dissolve
11 of 15
Define repeatable
Performing the same method the same way and getting the same results
12 of 15
State one property of simple covalent molecules
1) Low melting and boiling point 2)Poor conductor of thermal and electrical energy
13 of 15
Name a source of error
1) Start line drawn in ink 2) Solvent above the starting line 3) Dots too close together or too big
14 of 15
For the chromatography experiment Name a control variable
1) Start point of the colour 2) Size of the coloured dot 3) Start point of the solvent
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the test for hydrogen gas?


A burning splint will make a squeaky pop

Card 3


What is an allotrope?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name 3 types of solvent that can be used?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How are unreactive metals (e.g. gold) removed from their ore?


Preview of the front of card 5
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