
  • Created by: jasminn12
  • Created on: 19-04-23 12:55
What is the word equation for photosynthesis?
water + carbon dioxide > glucose + oxygen
1 of 10
Where in a plant does photosynthesis take place?
2 of 10
What part of a plant absorbs the light for photosynthesis?
3 of 10
What does endothermic mean?
Endothermic means a reaction or process that is followed by or that requires the absorption of heat
4 of 10
Why is photosynthesis an endothermic reaction?
Because sunlight energy is absorbed by green plants during the photosynthesis process
5 of 10
What are three examples of biological molecules used in plants?
glucose, starch, sucrose
6 of 10
What is glucose used for in plants?
For respiration
7 of 10
What is starch used as in plants?
It's used as a storage organ
8 of 10
What is the purpose of sucrose in plants?
For carbon dioxide to be transported
9 of 10
What causes the stomata in a plant to close?
Water flowing out of guard cells
10 of 10

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Card 2


Where in a plant does photosynthesis take place?



Card 3


What part of a plant absorbs the light for photosynthesis?


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Card 4


What does endothermic mean?


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Card 5


Why is photosynthesis an endothermic reaction?


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