Schizophrenia - Genetic explanations

What kind of studies are used to try and establish a genetic link?
Twin and family studies
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What did Gottesman (1991) show through his family studies?
That as genetic similarity with a sufferer increases, so does the probability of sharing schizophrenia
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What did Joseph (2004) find about the concordance rate of all twin studies conducted prior to 2001?
They showed a concordance rate for MZ twins of 40.4% and 7.4% for DZ twins
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Name a researcher that has conducted an experiment on Adoption studies for genetic explanation of schizophrenia
Tienari et al (2000)
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What does it mean when it says that schizophrenia is 'polygenic'?
It means that it requires a number of factors to work in combination
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What does it mean when it says that schizophrenia is 'etiologically heterogenous''?
This means that different combinations of factors can lead to the condition
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Give one detail about Ripke et al (2014) study
He carried out a massive study combining all previous data from genome wide studies of schizophrenia.
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What are genome-wide studies?
They are studies which look at the whole human genome as opposed to particular genes
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Card 2


What did Gottesman (1991) show through his family studies?


That as genetic similarity with a sufferer increases, so does the probability of sharing schizophrenia

Card 3


What did Joseph (2004) find about the concordance rate of all twin studies conducted prior to 2001?


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Card 4


Name a researcher that has conducted an experiment on Adoption studies for genetic explanation of schizophrenia


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Card 5


What does it mean when it says that schizophrenia is 'polygenic'?


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