Sampling animals

  • Created by: 08rmorris
  • Created on: 25-03-15 14:40
large, fine meshed nets used for insects and other invertebrates living on and around vegetation, especially grassland and crops
sweep nets
1 of 10
nets with a flat side that can sit on a bed of a stream and are used to catch small aquatic larvae and nymphs
2 of 10
the d-net is held facing upstream and the mud and stones upstream are kicked so that the animals are dislodged and are carried downstream into the net
kick sampling
3 of 10
used for collecting invertebrates from trees and shrubs
beating tray
4 of 10
used to extract invertebrates, particularly arthropods, from samples of leaf litter and soil
tullgren funnels
5 of 10
used to catch flying insects, especially at night.
light traps
6 of 10
used to catch invertebrates that move along the ground, like insects and mites. A smooth-sided cup is buried in the ground with its top level with the surface
pitfall trap
7 of 10
used for small mammals like wood mice, shrews and voles. Prepared with dry bedding and suitable food (seeds, fruit) and placed randomly in the area to be surveyed
longworth trap
8 of 10
used for animals like birds and small mammals. Observer walks or drives along a randomly-chosen transect line and counts how many animals, nests, burrows or other evidence he sees
sighting method
9 of 10
used for counting large animals over a large area, such as lions in a game reserve
aerial surveys
10 of 10

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Card 2


nets with a flat side that can sit on a bed of a stream and are used to catch small aquatic larvae and nymphs



Card 3


the d-net is held facing upstream and the mud and stones upstream are kicked so that the animals are dislodged and are carried downstream into the net


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


used for collecting invertebrates from trees and shrubs


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


used to extract invertebrates, particularly arthropods, from samples of leaf litter and soil


Preview of the front of card 5
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