S2W11 Bacteria cell structure and cell cycle - FS

What are some internal components of bacteria?
Circular chromosome
Storage graules
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What is the function of circular chromosomes?
DNA storage, genetic memory
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What are some fuctions and features of plasmids?
Code genes for virulence (toxins), reproduction, survival and antibiotic resistance
Small circular DNA
Replicates independently
Codes for resistance genes
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What is the function of flagella?
Promote taxis towards source (carbon or light)
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What are some external flagella examples?
Monotrichous: one - vibrio
Amphitrichous: one at each end - spirillum
Lophotrichous: many at each end - pseudomonas
Peritrichous: all over: E coli
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What is Borellia?
Spiral flagella inside the bacterial cell
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What is the function of fimbriae and pili?
Attachment to cell surfaces, conjugation and transfer of DNA between bacteria
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What is the function of the cytoplasm?
Generate energy and new material to allow growth
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What is the function of capsules?
Provide outer protection against immune attack and toxic environments.
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What does glycocalyx allow?
Colony and biofilm formation
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What are some features of gram negative bacteria?
Stain pink
Extra outer membrane with integral lipopolysaccharides
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What are some features of gram positive bacteria?
Stains purple
Thick peptidoglycan layer integral with lipoteichoic acid
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What are some features of Acid fast bacteria?
Thick outer layer of mycolic acid liked by arabino-galactans
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What is specific to mycoplasma pneumoniae?
No cell wall
No staining
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What is the function of lipopolysaccharides (LPS)?
Offer structural stability, immune stimulators
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What is the function of efflux pumps?
Remove toxins and antibiotics from cytoplasm
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What is the function of sensing receptors?
Detect cytoplasmic ligands, control cell wall functions
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What is the function of the transporters?
GTP or H+ driven, active transport of selective metabolites
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What is the function of porins?
Allows specific molecules (carbon sources) to enter cell wall
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What is bacillus shape and what are the benefits of this shape?
Rod shape
Flatness increases contact, length reduces liquid sheer
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What is coccus shape and what are the benefits of this shape?
Round shape
Chains decrease filtering
Uniform surface interaction
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What is Vibrioid shape and what are the benefits of this shape?
Curved shape
Circling increases localisation
Prevents layers
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What are some factors affecting bacteria growth?
Division rate
Lag phase time
Oxygen availability
Carbon availability
Growth factors
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What is generation time?
Time for the number of cells to double
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the function of circular chromosomes?


DNA storage, genetic memory

Card 3


What are some fuctions and features of plasmids?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the function of flagella?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are some external flagella examples?


Preview of the front of card 5
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