Russia 1917-91: theme 1

  • Created by: mgmoomoo
  • Created on: 14-05-24 20:25
How did Bolsheviks establish party control?
Aims: rid upper/middle class who exploited capitalist system, replace system with socialism, establish communism, Promote socialism by gov control over economy control. October Revolution 1917, B seized power but small (300,000). Revolution portrayed mass
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How was a one party state created? and discuss congress of 1921...
Problems securing power, seized it by force yet claimed still in interest of proletariat still facing opposition: *left win groups who were denied shared power (mensheviks..) *right wing groups (middle class) feared loss of businesses and denied political
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What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 1918?
Peace through this from Oct Rev and socialist opp. BUT treaty put Russia out of the war *lost control of Baltic states and was national humiliation for conservatives. To COUNTER:* overthrow and reject treaty, *Lenin aware to consolidate power needed to de
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Russian Civil war 1918-21, How did Bolsheviks win and what were the key results?
Reds= Kronstadt sailors, red guards (bolsheviks). Whites= interest groups, favoured Bolshevik defeat yet divided. Greens= peasants cared to protect land, divided beliefs. Reds had better military, economic organisation, whites failed as lack cooperation.
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What were results of War and what happened at the Tenth Party Congress 1921?
Reds effective economy and resources (imposition of war communism). Results=* politburo centralised and heavy terror used against political opps. Civil war saw growth in party membership (300,000 1917 to 730,000 1921 BUT was threat to party stability.
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How was Party stability kept?
Ban on factions and only 'One Party Unity'. Yet led to Kronstadt Mutiny (prev loyal sailors and Tambov Uprising (peasant uprising)
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What was democratic centralisation?
Soviets used as bodies that represented the workers at local level, wishes expressed through structure of representative organisations taking concerns to decision-making bodies at higher levels of gov--> decisions then in interests of the 'people'.
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How did Stalin Rise to power?
power as general secretary, eliminate opps and establish personal dictatorship. 1924 13th congress, Trotsky spoke out against party's bureaucracy, lack of democracy. he was defeated due to Stalin delegates. Zinoviev and Kamenev campaign against Trot 1924.
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Stalin's rise to power cont...
1926, Zinoviev ,Kamenev joined Trotsky and formed New Opposition, but accused of factionalism, lost all positions of power, expelled from Party.
1928 Stalin attacked Right, advocated industrialisation, but Bukharin out voted, lead to removal from politbur
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How did Stalin use terror, what were the causes?
Ryutin platform – criticisms of Stalin. 1930, Ryutin produced document praising Trotsky, criticised Stalin, expelled from the party, back in 1931. Criticism S' economic policies – 1st 5 year plan caused difficulties with agriculture… unrealistic targets
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What was the trigger of Great Purges 1930s?
Dec 1 1934, Kirov assassinated by Nikolayev. felt party didn't appreciate his talents, that he had affair with wife. Murder = a catalyst for arrests, rooting out sabotage against party leadership. Stalin designed this catalyst? Murder led to show trials.
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What was trials significance?
• Removed Stalin’s rivals from 1920s
• Removed power from people who'd been appointed by Lenin, so had authority independently from Stalin.
• They acted as a form of propaganda, proving pop that Stalin alone could be trusted future of Russia
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How did the purges widen, and what were their role in eliminating political opponents?
Purges in the Red Army(1937-38) 35,000 officers shot/imprisoned. Purge of secret police: 1936 Yagoda purged over 3000 own personnel. *imposed grip on party through fear, terror revive revolutionary spirit acceptable way to eliminate enemies.
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How did Stalin keep control over the party and state?
Consequence of S methods = failure of political institutions in SU to gain real power, gov and party function reflected his power: *politburo met less frequently only 9x a year, *Power focused in subgroups around Politburo, S exercise firm control.
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What were the limits of Stalin's power?
*personal limit as impossible to keep on top of everything, so he had to priorities issues, * there was evidence of politburo opposing his actions. *ambitious targets of 2nd 5 plan too high, politburo feared lead to chaos = Stalin forced to lower them. *p
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How did Stalin control party during WW2?
German invasion of SU 1941, required effective organisation of military and resources to match threat. Use of terror reduced. Propaganda used to mobilise masses for war effort. BUT pulled out, after Germany invaded 22 June.
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How did Khrushchev reform the Gov and use de-Stalinisation?
20th congress, speech criticized Stalin (unnecessary terror, tyrant) believed SU needed Leninism: *regular politburo meetings, decentralisation of decision-making, no need for officials meet targets, 2mil released camps 1953-60. (exile, hospitals)
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What was the Crisis of 1957?
Decentralisation of decision-making, power transferred from central ministeries to regional councils-> threatened reduce power of Party leaders. Attempt remove K. 'Anti-Party Group' (malenkov) asked fir removal. K prime minister 58
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How did Khrushchev reform the party (22nd congress 1961)?
*purge local secretaries. *1962 K divided agriculture and industrial department and intro limit to length party officials serve in-post to 3 years (threat to power of Party officials) Downfall = economic mistake of Cuban 1962, unpredictable behavior, dism
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How did stability return under Brezhnev 1964-82?
Sign of part reasserting itself, charming personality, organised, reserved aspect of de-Stalinisation that upset party. Division of party into agricultural and industrial dropped. 'Trust in cadres' =upward mobility membership grew 6.9 to 17m 53-1980. no t
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How did political stagnation grow?
Party leadership let to small elites governing in interest, so B ensured promotion of colleagues = promotions made within local party membership -> limited innovation and change within system. corruption unnoticed, nepotism. 1984 7/11 politburo 70.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How was a one party state created? and discuss congress of 1921...


Problems securing power, seized it by force yet claimed still in interest of proletariat still facing opposition: *left win groups who were denied shared power (mensheviks..) *right wing groups (middle class) feared loss of businesses and denied political

Card 3


What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 1918?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Russian Civil war 1918-21, How did Bolsheviks win and what were the key results?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were results of War and what happened at the Tenth Party Congress 1921?


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