
Age of consent
Age of consent is 16, when you are illegally allowed to have sex. this law allows people to be protected from abuse etc
1 of 21
sex outside marriage
voluntary sexual intercouse between a married person and someone who is not there spouse
2 of 21
sex between two people where one or both of them is married to someone else: having an affair
3 of 21
sex before marriage
sex between two single unmarried people
4 of 21
The pill
contains a hormone that stops women from producing an egg
5 of 21
stops sperm meeting the egg
6 of 21
the coil and morning after pill
a sergical operation which is a permenant which is a permanent way of preventing pregnancy
7 of 21
stops a fertilised egg from implanting in the womb - some people consider these methods a form of abortion
8 of 21
rhythm method
recording the length of a womens period to determine when to avoid having sex
9 of 21
coitus interruptus
removing the penis from the vagina before *********** occurs
10 of 21
a legal union between a man and a women
11 of 21
civil partnership
legal union between a couple of the same sex
12 of 21
a couple who live together, having a sexual relasionship without being married
13 of 21
same sex marriage
marriage between partners of the same sex
14 of 21
legal ending of a marriage
15 of 21
when someone marries again while there former husband or wife is still alive
16 of 21
a catholic church ruling that marriage was never valid
17 of 21
safety and security , a stable society is one in which peoples rights are protected
18 of 21
protection of children
keeping children safe from harm
19 of 21
bringing babies into the world, producing offspring
20 of 21
educating children in a faith
bringing up children according to religious beleifs
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


voluntary sexual intercouse between a married person and someone who is not there spouse


sex outside marriage

Card 3


sex between two people where one or both of them is married to someone else: having an affair


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


sex between two single unmarried people


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


contains a hormone that stops women from producing an egg


Preview of the back of card 5
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