Romeo & Juliet quotes

"A Pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life"
-prologue -allows room for dramatic irony -THEME:fate -doomed from the start & builds tension
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"love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs"
-Romeo -shows he's passionate & love consumes him
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"some consequence yet hanging in the stars"
-Romeo -worries that fate is against him -won't accept responsibility -turns the atmosphere dark
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"fire-ey'd fury be my conduct now!"
-Romeo -vengeful& hot-headed -can't control his emotions
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"O swear not by the moon, th'inconstant moon"
-Juliet -she's not foolish enough to fall for Romeo's words, she wants real promises -THEME:fate
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"I needs use act alone"
-Juliet -independant -different to a typical woman of her time
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"the brightness of her cheek would shame those stars"
-about Juliet -beautiful -once again thinking of stars -THEME:fate
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"if love be rough with you, be rough with love"
-Mercutio -down to earth -mocks Romeo for his unrealistic approach to love
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"cutting foreign throats" & "dreams of love"
-Mercutio -saying that each dream depends on the person - one of the only characters not consumed in his emotions
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"a plague o both your houses"
-mercutio -reminds the audience of the danger of the feud -he died due to the honour of protecting Romeo -Shakespeare is saying how pointless It is
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"best friend I had" &"honest gentleman"
-about Tybalt -adds depth to his character -he sticks to his honour & can be kind
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"talk of peace?I hate the word"
-Tybalt -very aggressive -the feud has killed his sense of being kind
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"by the stock and honour of my kin"
-Tybalt -Loyal -there aren't just bad parts to his character -defends what he believes in
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"what sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?"
-Benvolio -father figure to Romeo -he fills the lack of parental support that Romeo has -kind character
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"I do but keep the peace"
-Benvolio -exact opposite of Tybalt -avoids conflict & is a good friend
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"willingly give cure"
-Monetgue -concerned father about Romeo being sad -but does hand him off to benvolio which shows they're not close
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"grief of my son's exile hath stopp'd her breath"
-about Lady Montegue -emotional -typical woman of her time -she always tried to stop the fighting -Montegues are kinder than the Capulets
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"peace you mumbling fool!"
-Capulet -bossy -exerts his power & is a typical man of his time
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"my fingers itch"
-Capulet -violent -capulets are more overbearing than the Montegues
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"share all that he doth possesses"
-Lady Capulet -materialistic but ambitious -wants Juliet to marry rich & doesn't take her feelings into account
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"I have done with thee"
-Lady Capulet -cold -only forgives Juliet when she agrees to marry Paris -THEME:love
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"I think it best you married with the county"
-Nurse -wants what's best for Juliet & what will cause her the least harm -mother figure to her
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"never was seen so black a day as this"
-Nurse -most emotional response to Juliet's 'death' -genuine upset
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"you shall bear the burden soon at night"
-Nurse -she brings humour to the play which contrasts Juliet's innocent romance
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"I could have stayed here all the night to hear good counsel"
-about Friar Lawrence -respected -everyone had to go to church on Sunday otherwise face a fine -trusted man
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"these violent delights have violent ends"
-Friar Lawrence -he made the plans to end the feud but it can be argued that most things are his fault -he put ideas in the lovers heads -wise
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"I dare no longer stay"
-Friar Lawrence -cowardly & abandons Juliet at the tomb -tries to use religion to help the feud but ends up going against catholic beliefs of the time
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"gallant, young and noble gentleman"
-about Paris -respected -the after choice for Juliet
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"throw your mistemper'd weapons to the ground"
-Prince -powerful&respected -he's the authority but still can't stop the hate of the feud
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"live chaste"
-Rosaline -Romeo's love was courtly & typical of that time -she breaks his heart
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


"love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs"


-Romeo -shows he's passionate & love consumes him

Card 3


"some consequence yet hanging in the stars"


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


"fire-ey'd fury be my conduct now!"


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


"O swear not by the moon, th'inconstant moon"


Preview of the front of card 5
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