Romeo & Juliet

  • Created by: LilySara
  • Created on: 08-11-16 12:21
Lord Capulet, the head of his family and father to Juliet, is about sixty years of age but calls himself young. His evident wealth ranks him with the many merchant princes of his time, but his social status is lower than that of the Prince, Paris, an
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Tybalt is the nephew of Lady Capulet. As a young man, he seems to represent what Capulet must have been in his young days; but he has none of the redeeming features of his uncle and is more like his aunt. With his quarrelsome nature, Tybalt is like a
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Frair Lawrence
riar Lawrence is a likable old gentleman. As a monk of the Franciscan order, he is devoted to preaching, caring for the sick, and doing missionary work. As the high priest of the parish, he serves as the father confessor of all in the play, both Mont
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Lady Capulet
Lady Capulet is still a young woman, many years younger than her sixty year-old husband. She also has fewer redeeming qualities than he does. She ridicules his age in the presence of others and endeavors to assert her authority over him. Capulet comp
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Lord Montague’s social position in Verona is the same as that of the Lord Capulet, but he, his son Romeo, and his nephew Benvolio, are far from being eager to fight their enemies. Lord Montague is a foil to Lord Capulet. He is self-controlled, quiet,
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Lady Montague
Lady Montague’s character is not much developed in the play. She speaks only once, stating her happiness that Romeo was not involved in the street fight in the opening scene. She is present with her husband in Act III, Scene 1, but says nothing, appa
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Count Paris is a close relative of the Prince and, therefore, is not involved in the enmity between the Capulets and Montagues. Very handsome himself, he is attracted to the beauty of Juliet and asks Lord Capulet for her hand in marriage. As always,
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The Nurse is a triumphant and complete achievement of comic personality. She stands four-square, and lives and breathes in her own right from the moment she appears in the play. The Capulet family has employed her since the birth of Juliet, and the y
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Of the many tragic heroes of Shakespeare, Romeo continues to exercise a peculiar fascination over the minds of young men and women. He stands out as the emblem of youthful love, its disappointment, and its possibility for tragedy. Romeo is the only
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Shakespeare is said to have created a masterpiece in the development of the character of Juliet. Her exquisite beauty and personal charms are amongst the finest in literature. In describing Juliet, Romeo captures the depth of her loveliness. “Juliet
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Mercutio, whose name suggests his mercurial character, is a relative of the Prince and a man of rank. He mixes with people from both enemy houses and is an adult friend of Romeo. He serves as a foil to Romeo as well. His sarcasm, scorn of love, and i
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Benvolio is Romeo’s cousin and close friend and Lord Montague`s nephew. His name, Benvolio, means well wishing, which is reflective of his character throughout the play. In the very first scene, Benvolio establishes himself as a peacemaker as he trie
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Card 2


Tybalt is the nephew of Lady Capulet. As a young man, he seems to represent what Capulet must have been in his young days; but he has none of the redeeming features of his uncle and is more like his aunt. With his quarrelsome nature, Tybalt is like a



Card 3


riar Lawrence is a likable old gentleman. As a monk of the Franciscan order, he is devoted to preaching, caring for the sick, and doing missionary work. As the high priest of the parish, he serves as the father confessor of all in the play, both Mont


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Card 4


Lady Capulet is still a young woman, many years younger than her sixty year-old husband. She also has fewer redeeming qualities than he does. She ridicules his age in the presence of others and endeavors to assert her authority over him. Capulet comp


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Card 5


Lord Montague’s social position in Verona is the same as that of the Lord Capulet, but he, his son Romeo, and his nephew Benvolio, are far from being eager to fight their enemies. Lord Montague is a foil to Lord Capulet. He is self-controlled, quiet,


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